
Reading SQS messages from a LocalStack queue and writing them to Postgres.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This was done for a take home assignment during the interview process of a certain Firm.

The objective was to:

  1. Read JSON data containing user login behavior from an AWS SQS Queue made available via localstack;

  2. Hide personal identifiable information ("PII") in the device_id and ip fields such that it would be easy for data analysts to identify duplicate values in those fields; and

  3. Write each resulting record to a Postgres database running in Docker. The target table's DDL is:

-- Creation of user_logins table

    user_id             varchar(128),
    device_type         varchar(32),
    masked_ip           varchar(256),
    masked_device_id    varchar(256),
    locale              varchar(32),
    app_version         integer,
    create_date         date


Here's what you'll need to make it work on your machine.


  1. Create a Python virtual environment called "my-venv".
python3 -m venv ./my-venv
source my-venv/bin/activate
  1. Set environment variables.
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_PROFILE=localstack
export ENDPOINT_URL=http://localhost:4566
export QUEUE_NAME=login-queue
export MAX_MESSAGES=10
export WAIT_TIME=1
export USER=postgres
export PASSWORD=postgres
export HOST=localhost
export PORT=5432
export DATABASE=postgres
  1. Install requirements.
make install
  1. Install requirements for unit testing.
make install-test
  1. Run unit tests.
make test
  1. Build the Docker containers and start the services.
make start
  1. Make sure you can read an SQS queue.
make message
  1. Confirm that the DB works.
make db

Type the password given in the PASSWORD environment variable above, and then

postgres=# select * from user_logins;
 user_id | device_type | masked_ip | masked_device_id | locale | app_version | create_date 
(0 rows)


  1. Run the application.
make run
  1. Confirm that there's data in the DB.
make db
select * from user_logins;

With any luck, there should be ninety-nine (99) rows.

  1. Stop the services.
make stop
  1. Clean up all things Docker, including all volumes, if you want.
make clean

Questions from the Firm

1. How would you deploy this application in production?

I've done something similar to this, using an AWS Fargate service. It worked well, and I'd do that again. That would require dockerizing the app, which should be straightforward. I opted not to dockerize the app only so as to avoid any potential frustration with Docker networking.

Alternatively, on AWS, one could do something very similar with Lambda.

2. What other components would you want to add to make this production ready?

In order to make this production ready, I'd invest time in the following areas:

  • Testing, using an appropriate application of these recommendations, could add a lot of value

  • Adding a dead letter queue (DLQ) associated with the "login-queue" SQS queue

    • That would affect the following section of main.py
    except Exception as e:
    print(f"Exception while processing message: {repr(e)}!")
  • Using a better encryption strategy, like this perhaps

  • Rethinking and, hopefully, simplifying all try...except... logic

  • Batching message reading and writing would speed things up a lot (ask me how I know...)

  • Using CloudWatch alarms to monitor the queue and DLQ volume

  • Possibly using Application Auto Scaling together with CloudWatch alarms to increase the Fargate service's task count, if needed

  • Improving the rather crude logging setup

  • Logging to CloudWatch with a sensible retention period

3. How can this application scale with a growing data set.

The application could scale by increasing Fargate tasks in the service, either using auto scaling, or manually. I had good luck with the latter.

4. How can PII be recovered later on?

PII can be recovered by Base64 decoding the relevant fields. Again, I did the simplest thing I could think of here and do not regard it as good enough for PROD.


After looking at the data a bit, I decided to assume that the SQS message body had to follow the schema in utils.py. There's an implicit contract in all event data, and that one made sense to me.

I chose to make all changes to the data explicit in process_message(). However, Psycopg does its thing with create_date, because it's a new data element.

When working with data, I tend to think in terms of a directed acyclical graph ("DAG"). Or a Flow, if you like Prefect. As a result, my code tends to be rather DAG or Flow-like.

I looked around for SQS listeners/consumers that others had written, found a few, and decided to borrow heavily from this gentleman's work.

I wrote a unit test so that the Firm would see that I know about unit tests. Hypothesis, which I've been dying to use for real for real, might be a good tool to use here.

I used Black for linting, because I hadn't used it before and wanted to.

I tried to follow this standard for docstrings.