First download dataset from here and models from here and place it as shown in below directory structure.
Dataset source: AADB Datset
- Predicting-Photography-Aesthetics-with-CNNs
| --- accuracy
| --- accuracy1.txt
| --- accuracy2.txt
| --- accuracy3.txt
| --- model
| --- model1.h5
| --- model2.h5
| --- model3.h5
| --- dataset
| --- training
| --- testing
| --- scripts
| ---
| ---
| ---
| ---
| ---
| --- test_images
| --- image1_name.jpg
| --- image2_name.jpg
| --- image3_name.jpg
| --- image4_name.jpg
| --- testing.txt
| --- training.txt
| --- requirements.txt
First, clone the repository
Next, install the required python3 packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Now to classify any new images put all your image inside folder named test_images and run below code:-
python3 scripts/
It will give output like this:-
image1_name 3
image2_name 2
image3_name 2
image4_name 5
From above output we can see that image1_name has been given 1 star(Poor) and image4_name has been given 5 star(excellent)
To evaluate our CNN models run:-
python3 scripts/
This will read all three models saved in model named folder and output something like this:-
Reading Model 1
Evaluating Mdel 1
800/800 [==============================] - 6s 8ms/step
Test loss for Model 1: 1.76433014154
Test accuracy for Model 1: 0.35
Reading Model 2
Evaluating Model 2
800/800 [==============================] - 8s 10ms/step
Test loss for Model 2: 1.43449003458
Test accuracy for Model 2: 0.36375
Reading Model 3
Evaluating Mdel 3
800/800 [==============================] - 4s 5ms/step
Test loss for Model 3: 1.43597866058
Test accuracy for Model 3: 0.41375
To build all three models again run(Already done, not required as this will take more than 8 hours):-
python3 scripts/
python3 scripts/
python3 scripts/
This will generate our three models named
Accuracy folder contains three files each stroing accuracy of each model for ensemble.