Contact Book

A contact book made for the first code review for the C# class at Epicodus

Made by Charles Ewel


This webapp allows users to post contacts to a list, then view them all.


  • Clone the repository
  • Entere the project folder in PowerShell
  • In the console, run ">dnu restore" to set up dependencies
  • In the console, run ">dnx kestrel" to set up your local server
  • Navigate to localhost:5004 in your web browser


The program should handle: Example Input Example Output
Add A Contact First Name: Goober Last Name: Newton Appends Newton, Goober to a list of contact
Contact Details Page User clicks Goober, Newton on contactlist Taken to localhost:5004/contacts/goobernewton, which displays details about the goober newton contact
Contact Deletion User pressed "clear all contacts" button contact list is cleared and user is taken to a page confirming this
Duplicate Contacts User enters a contact with a first and last name that matches an existing contact user is sent to contact_exists_already page and asked to go back or visit the contact details page for the existing contact

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • ASP.NET Nancy View Engine
  • ASP.NET Razor View Engine

Known Bugs



Licensed under the MIT License.