EPICODUS Intro Code Review Week 4

Charlie's Pizza, 20 June 2016

By Charles Ewel


This is an Epicodus student project that creates a webpage for a pizza place that prices their pizza's based on size and toppings


Behavior Input Example Output Example
User can enter inputs and receive a price based on size Medium Pizza Price=$10
User can add toppings and price will increase for each topping added Medium Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza Price=$12
Output reflects all inputs and is parsed in proper English Charlie orders a medium pepperoni, canadian bacon and sausage pizza "Hi Charlie, the cost of your medium pepperoni, canadian bacon and sausage pizza is $13"

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone Repository
  • Open index.html in web browser

Alternately, click our gh-pages link

Known Bugs

  • none

Support and contact details

Please contact Charlie at charles.ewel@gmail.com.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery (jquery-1.12.4.js)
  • Bootstrap (bootstrap.min.css)


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016 Charles Ewel