Web Development Template

This is a lightweight repository to deploy a basic project at the beginning of each Epicodus pair and solo project. It is meant to save time and support clean builds. Current as of June 1, 2016

By Kevin VanEvery, Cory Olson, and Patrick Lipscomb


This repository contains the following folders and files. They can be used to support a basic project template for the beginning of each of your projects.


This folder contains the css files that support the Bootstrap framework in parallel with files in the /js folder. There is also a styles.css file which contains custom user scripts.


This folder contains the js files that support the Bootstrap framework in parallel with files in the /css folder. It also contains the js files to support JQuery. There is also a scripts.js file which contains custom user scripts.


This folder contains the files which support glyphicons in Bootstrap.


This folder contains useful placeholder images. There are four sizes

  • thumbnail
  • small
  • medium
  • large

and three orientations

  • square
  • portrait
  • landscape

for a total of 15 images. There is also a user profile square image, since that is common, and a favicon.


This file contains basic markup for a starter page. Markup includes a header and footer within a body tag and a div container with text. The important feature is the head tag which includes the five Bootstrap, JQuery, and custom css and js files.


This is your custom css file.


This is your custom js file.


You're looking at it.

Setup/Installation Requirements

To create your own template repository on github

  • Clone the github repository using the git clone command from /Desktop
  • Create a new repository on github to keep your template
  • Using git remote add pair the clone on your desktop with your new repository
  • Add, commit, and push, and then you'll have your own copy of the template to do with as you wish

To install this repository into a new project each time, first

  • Clone the github repository using the git clone command from /Desktop
  • Create a new folder in the Desktop with your project name
  • Copy and paste the entire contents of the cloned /bootstrap-jquery-project-template into your new folder (this should not include the .pairs file)
  • Move into your new folder and initialize git as normal
  • Congrats! You now have a new repo based on this template


  • Don't just rename the cloned git repository - that will mess up future commits. Do the copy/paste
  • If you're using a bootstrap template, don't replace the tag. Only change the tag. The templates include code at the top and bottom that bring in js and css we're already including and a bunch we don't use. If you call a js or css file twice, it causes problems.

Known Bugs

None. But we haven't really tested much, so if you find anything, let us know and we'll fix it and update the repo.

Support and contact details

Come by during class if you have questions.

Technologies Used

  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery


Licensed under the MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016 Epicodus Pair Projects