
Developer: Charles Ge, Jinyue Song

Overall process of comparing TX fee and Processing time

  1. Collect live data at AWS and Ali Cloud.
  2. Clean the duplicate TXs, download to local machine, and do the matching.
  3. Serialize un-matched TXs and blocks on disk for the next matching.

Do the routine matching:

  1. Log in to AWS, or Ali Cloud
  2. Go to cs690/go-ethereum/analysis-tool-python
  3. Run python3 clean_records.py to "set" all TXs with the earliest recieved time.
  4. If cleaning said date format is wrong, go to go-ethereum/records/txs, open the file, change the wrong format(usually just use the previous line's timestamp). You can vi the file, click '/', paste the hash value, hit the button, then VI would locate that line.
  5. clean_records.py would clean the duplicate txs of all txs.txt until yesterday, move all cleaned files to backup folder, and leave the cleaned ones in records/txs/cleaned.
  6. Download all cleaned files to local. Here's the command: scp -i "~/.ssh/cs690ethereum.pem" ubuntu@ec2-18-144-14-139.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:/home/ubuntu/cs690/go-ethereum/records/txs/cleaned/* ~/charles/university/Master\ Project/go-ethereum/records/txs/cleaned/
  7. On local machine, first change the path of last saved object to load the latest saved state, then run load_txt.py to match all TXs. It would first load serialized object, then load latest TXs and blocks, then do the match, then save the matched TXs, then serialize the remaining object.
  8. On AWS, move all txs.txt at records/txs/cleaned/ to records/txs/cleaned/backup.

Transaction fee and processing time

Dataset paths

+-- ali_txs
+-- aws_txs
+-- blocks
    +-- ali
    +-- aws
    +-- canonical 
+-- matched
+-- one_week 
    +-- ali_blocks
    +-- ali_matched
    +-- ali_tx_non_canonical_log
    +-- ali_txs
    +-- aws_blocks
    +-- aws_matched
    +-- aws_tx_non_canonical_log
    +-- aws_txs


Run load_txt_j.py:

EthereumData object is defined in this file.

  1. Run this run() function, the object loads aws transactions from records/aws_txs/ and matches transactions in the canonical chain /blocks/canonical/. Then, the aws matched transactions are saved in the /records/matched/. After matching, I copy the matched result to /records/one_week/aws_matched. And delete files in /records/matched/.

  2. Comment out the line with /aws_txs/ and comment back the line with /ali_txs/. And run run() function again. Then, copy the matched ali transactions from records/matched/ to /records/one_week/ali_matched.

Run compare_tx_peer_time.py:

Add the time intervals to check which transactions have the experience in the uncle blocks. The first and second arguments are the range for the time interval. (0, 100) means the transactions with processing time between 0 and 100 seconds will be checked.
For example:

     ed = EthereumData() 
     ed.count_txs_in_uncle(0, 100)

Run get_txs_peers.py:

  1. In the output file /records/one_week/ali_tx_non_canonical_log, copy the transaction with large processing time and small fee.

  2. Paste the transaction information into the json.loads().

  3. Create the object, set this_tx as the first argument and run.
    3.1 After the first time running, the data will be serialized. Comment out the lines in the run function before pickle.load() and comment back the line pickle.load().

  4. Adjust the analysis functions.