
Language: Papyrus

The Intent is to make the activator as modular as possible

It can be set to check the player character for a ActorValue, or ItemID. IF the player passes the required conditions the Activator will trigger when the player mouses over it and press the 'e' key(or activtor button from gamefile depending on player control config) otherwise if the player does not meet conditions, it provides guidance to player as to what they need to aquire to meet the needed condition(s)

What I have here is the written source code for the activator. This code was written in the Creation Kit game engine tool itself, NOT a seprate IDLE. Thus it will not work if the source is simply downloaded or copy pasted. If you wish to implement this into your own F4 mod tool. THen, I recommend you take snips of what you need and manually paste the desired section into your own Papyrus code. If the tool is all you desire and you only wish to use the tool as it was designed/intended and DONT want to add to, change, or re-use the code in a whole new modding tool, then your are in the wrong place silly. Dont worry, I got you fam: just go to my mod page either on the Mod Nexus (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/60195) or Bethesda.net (https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4269407). There you will find more instructions on how to use the tool in side the Creation Engine.