Collection of BADUSB scripts for the flipperzero

Flipper Zero BADUSB

Collection of BADUSB scripts for the flipperzero

 _________        .---"""      """---.              
:______.-':      :  .--------------.  :             
| ______  |      | :                : |             
|:______B:|      | |     Error:     | |             
|:______B:|      | |                | |             
|:______B:|      | |    You Got     | |             
|         |      | |     Pwned      | |             
|:_____:  |      | |                | |             
|    ==   |      | :                : |             
|       O |      :  '--------------'  :             
|       o |      :'---...______...---'              
|       o |-._.-i___/'             \._              
|'-.____o_|   '-.   '-...______...-'  `-._          
:_________:      `.____________________   `-.___.-. 
                 .'.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.'.      :___:


• Web2Discord
  - exfiltrate ALL web browser passwords from a windows pc, and sends them via discord webhook.
• Chrome2Discord
  - exfiltrate saved google chrome passwords, send passwords via discord webhook.
• iMessageExfil
  - exfiltrate iMessages from a MacOS and send via discord webhook
• PassVault2Discord
  - exfiltrate saved passwords In windows password vault, and send via discord webhook.
• EmailAndTextMessage
  - exfiltrate passwords to your email or to your phone number.
• Telegram
  - exfiltrate passwords and send it to your personal telegram.
  - exfiltrates wifi passwords, chrome passwords, and passvault passwords, sends it via discord webhook. (Adding more)
• Text2Speech
  - opens powershell and speaks the phrase you preset (default is a joke). 
• CartmanSong
  - simply turns the volume up all the way, and opens YouTube to a cartman song "kyles Mom is a b*tch". 


This project must not be used for illegal purposes, and is strictly for educational purposes and for people to experiment with. The user takes full responsibility for their own actions.

Discord Webhook setup guide


hide your payloads 👀


Keylogger (badusb)



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