
Receive/Transmit/Save Evil Crow RF log files 📡

Primary LanguagePython


Simple python script to Receive/Transmit/Save Evil Crow RF log files 📡

Key Note

This is for the OG firmware ONLY, not H-Rats new firmware


# if using a pc or of that sort
git clone https://GitHub.com/CharlesTheGreat77/EvilCrowPyRF
cd EvilCrowPyRF
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Pyto (iOS) PyPI packages
install bs4 (beautifulsoup)
Copy ecrf.py into a blank script


Configure receiver on freq. 433.92 with rxbw of 650 (default is 650), ASK modulation (default no need to specify), deviation 0 (default), data rate to 5 (default).

python3 ecrf.py -rx -f 433.92 --rxbw 650

Configure reciever on freq. 434.07, deviation of 47.6, 2FSK modulation (-m 1), using module 2 [default] (ONLY RX ON MODULE 2 for FSK)

python3 ecrf.py -rx -f 434.07 -d 47.6 -mod 2 -m 1

Save logs to output file (one can specify modulation and frequency to add to output, if not, input will be asked)

python3 ecrf.py -o logs/frontGate.txt [-f <frequency>] [-m <modulation>] [-d <deviation>]

Transmit signals in logs two times on freq. 315.00, 2FSK (-m 1), with a deviation of 47.6, using module 1 on ECRF

python3 ecrf.py -tx -f 315.00 -m 1 -d 47.6 -mod 1 -t 2

Transmit signals in saved files

python3 -tx -file logs/frontGate.txt

Transmit Tesla signals

python3 ecrf.py --tesla

Configure signal(s) to buttons (1 or 2) from a saved file

python3 ecrf.py -btn 1 -file logs/frontGate.txt -f 300.00

Configure signal(s) to buttons from viewlogs (if nothing is specified, it will automatically scrape logs from viewlog), and set frequency to 315

python3 ecrf.py -btn 1 -f 315.00

Delete logs & Clean spiffs

python3 ecrf.py --delete

Configure jammer on freq. 315 with a power of 5

python3 ecrf.py -j -f 315.00 -p 5

Saved file format

example of what file format looks like when saving viewlogs to output file

Frequency: 315.00
Modulation: FSK
Deviation: 29.3
Payload: 238,155,238,155,

Evil Crow RF
