
Lightweight reverse phone lookup utility written in Go 😊

Primary LanguageGo


Lightweight reverse phone/name lookup tool written in Go! ☺️ This is only for US individuals only. It goes about such by scraping usphonebook.com


Prerequisite πŸš€

Prerequisite Version
Go <=1.22
apt install golang-go || brew install go

Install πŸ’»

git clone https://github.com/CharlesTheGreat77/reverse-phone-lookup
cd reverse-phone-lookup
go mod init reverse-phone-lookup
go mod tidy
go build main.go

Usage 🎯

./main -h
Usage of ./reverse-phone-lookup:
  -city string
        specify the city the target resides [Los Angelos]
  -fullname string
        specify the targets full name [John Doe]
  -h    show usage
  -phone string
        specify a phone number [777-999-0000]
  -state string
        specify the state the target resides [California]


./main -state California -city "Los Angelos" -fullname "John Doe"


Im just getting use to Go so bear with me but once I get comfortable, I'll attempt to make it scalable for other sources