
Send/Spam/spoof emails/text messages with smtplib using python3

Primary LanguagePython


Send/Spam text messages with smtplib using python3

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|     `-._`iijjjjmMF`"bbbbb<=========.   |
|         `---..._______...|<[Hormel |   |  SMTP_MAILER/SPAMMER
|                          `========='   |


apt/brew install tor
apt/brew install tesseract


tesseract must be installed if sending/spaming messages to phone number, as we use such to bypass a captcha for a carrier lookup.


# Optional
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# required
pip3 install -r requirements
apt install tor or brew install tor
  • Configure your SMTP information in the config.ini file


usage: main.py [-h] [-e EMAIL] [-p PHONE] [-f FROM_ADDRESS] [-s SUBJECT] -b BODY [-a AMOUNT]

Spoofing Emails/MMS with SMTPLIB

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        target email address
  -p PHONE, --phone PHONE
                        target phone number [7779992222]
  -f FROM_ADDRESS, --from_address FROM_ADDRESS
                        from address [optional]
  -s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT
                        subject of the message
  -b BODY, --body BODY  body of the message
  -a AMOUNT, --amount AMOUNT
                        amount to send