PolCLIP: A Unified Image-Text Word Sense Disambiguation Model via Generating Multimodal Complementary Representations

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PolCLIP: A Unified Image-Text Word Sense Disambiguation Model via Generating Multimodal Complementary Representations (submitted to ACL 2024)


Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is divided into two subtasks: textual word sense disambiguation (Textual-WSD) and visual word sense disambiguation (Visual-WSD). They aim to identify the most semantically relevant senses or images to a given context containing ambiguous target words. However, existing WSD models seldom address these two subtasks jointly due to lack of images in Textual-WSD datasets or lack of senses in Visual-WSD datasets. To bridge this gap, we propose PolCLIP, a unified image-text WSD model. By employing an image-text complementarity strategy, it simulates stable diffusion to generate implicit visual representations for senses and imitates image captioning to provide implicit textual representations for images. Additionally, a disambiguation-oriented image-sense dataset is constructed for the training objective of learning multimodal polysemy representations. To the best of our knowledge, PolCLIP is the first model that can cope with both Textual-WSD and Visual-WSD. Extensive experimental results on benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, achieving a 2.53% F1-score increase over the state-of-the-art models on Textual-WSD and a 2.22% HR@1 improvement on Visual-WSD.

The PolCLIP model:


Illustration of Multimodal-WSD:



Our code has been implemented on Pytorch 2.0.1. To reproduce our experiments, please run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Download the datasets:

(1) If you are interested in our disambiguation-oriented image-sense dataset, you can click the following links to download the different datasets separately.

Datasets Instance Instance type Image Image Size Image Link Metadata Size Metadata Link
Image-Enhanced SemCor 226,036 Sentence 181,123 195GB Download 3.06GB Download
Image-Enhanced VWSD-KB 48,469 Phrase 111,575 108GB Download 0.97GB Download

(2) The benchmarks of Textual-WSD and Visual-WSD.

Download the XL-WSD data at https://sapienzanlp.github.io/xl-wsd/.

Download the V-WSD data at https://raganato.github.io/vwsd/.


If you don't have GPUs above 24GB, please use generate_train_data.py and adjust smaller gloss_batch_size (e.g. [10, 20]) and smaller image_batch_size (e.g. [50, 100]) to generate smaller metadata for training .

(1) To train from the scratch, please run:

python main.py

(2) To evaluate using the best checkpoint, please run:

python main.py --use_checkpoint --evaluate 


For users with OpenAI account:

(1) If you want to reproduce the process of fine-tuning a disambiguation-oriented GPT-3.5 (approximately 175 mins and $42.5), please download the fine-tuning corpus that we used. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qdqt9n3pfnJf9nM3eBnhuxXggDv-1ExR/view?usp=sharing

(2) You need to upload the fine-tuning corpus to the OpenAI fine-tuning platform (https://platform.openai.com/finetune).

You can find simple fine-tuning instructions at the OpenAI official guideline (https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/fine-tuning) and Appendix B in our paper.

(3) After fine-tuning, you will get a D-GPT that is stored in your own OpenAI account.

(4) Before testing, you need to use D-GPT to generate lexical difinition for ambiguous target words within different contexts by following D-GPT.py.

For users without OpenAI account:

(1) Our D-GPT model name: ft:gpt-3.5-turbo-1106:2023python::8RyWR8GA

(2) Our API key: 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

(3) Before executing D-GPT.py, you can get our fine-tuned D-GPT model by replacing the model name and the API key with our model name and our API key.


PolCLIP benifits from BabelNet and BabelPic. The original authors and their open-sourcing are appreciated.