
do-like-javac (or dljc for short) is a tool for monitoring the build process of a Java project and recording information about what parameters were passed to javac for the purpose of later analysis. It can also automate the running of various analysis tools, including:

do-like-javac supports projects built with:

  • Apache Ant
  • Apache Maven
  • Gradle
  • Manual invocation of javac


  • Python 2.7

That's it. No other external dependencies for the core do-like-javac scripts.

Of course, you will also need to have installed:

  • The analysis tool(s) you want to run.
  • Any build dependencies of the project you're analyzing.

do-like-javac was built and tested on Mac OS X and GNU/Linux. It probably also works on Microsoft Windows, but the method of invocation is probably different and we provide no support.


git clone

Then symlink the dljc executable to somewhere in your $PATH, e.g.

ln -s /path/to/dljc $HOME/bin/dljc


First, make sure your project is in a clean state (e.g. via ant clean, mvn clean, etc.). Since do-like-javac monitors the build process and build tools skip already-built files, if you run dljc on an already-built project, you won't get any results.

Next, invoke dljc from the directory of the project you want to analyze:

dljc -o logs -- ant build

Where "ant build" is replaced by whatever command builds your project. Output will be emitted to logs/toplevel.log

You may also run one or more checking tools on the discovered java files, by invoking with the -t option and a comma separated list of tools to use (e.g. "-t print", "-t randoop" or "-t print,randoop").


do-like-javac can only extract data from a full compile of a project. That means if you want to re-run it with new arguments or different analysis tools, you will have to clean and fully re-compile your project. To save time and shortcut this process, we save a cache of the results in the output directory. If you want dljc to use this cache, simply add the --cache flag and the cache (if available) will be used instead of recompiling your project.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We don't do any sort of cache invalidation or freshness checking. If you add new files to your project and want dljc to pick up on them, you will have to do a full clean and run dljc without the --cache flag.

Supported Tools


The print tool (dljc -t print) will pretty-print the detected javac commands, as well as any generated JAR files, and their entry points if applicable.


The Bixie tool will run your project through Bixie. You must specify a path to the Bixie jar file with the --bixie-jar argument, e.g.

dljc --bixie-jar path/to/bixie.jar -t bixie -- mvn compile


No special arguments are required to run Randoop. In fact, Randoop itself is not a prequisite. Invoking dljc -t randoop will automatically download any necessary dependencies and create a script (or scripts) named something like "", which you can then run to run randoop on your code.


Parts of the code in this directory were taken from the Facebook Infer project. Its license is available at