
Uses config from the national-holidays-config project to provide access to national holiday data across

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

National Holidays for Ruby

Where does this data come from?

The national holidays data used in this gem comes from the national-holidays-config project.


gem install national_holidays


This project uses git submodules, so the first time you clone the repository you will need to run:

git submodule init

Then to keep the config up to date use:

git pull --recurse-submodules

And to actually pull in new config use:

git submodule foreach git pull origin main

Then to publish:

gem build national_holidays.gemspec
gem push national_holidays-{VERSION}.gem
rm national_holidays-{VERSION}.gem


require 'national_holidays'

NationalHolidays.load! # optionally pre-load all data

NationalHolidays.countries.each do |country|
  country.regions.each do |region|
    holidays = region.all_holidays.select { |h| h.date.day == 18 && h.date.month == 11 }

    if holidays.any?
      puts "My birthday is a public holiday in #{country.name}: #{holidays.first.names.except(:en).first.last}!"

# My birthday is a public holiday in Haiti: Vertières Day!
# My birthday is a public holiday in Iran (Islamic Republic of): Martyrdom of Imam Reza!
# My birthday is a public holiday in Latvia: Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas diena!
# My birthday is a public holiday in Mexico: Revolución Mexicana!


country = NationalHolidays::Country.new(:gb)

puts country.code
# gb

puts country.name
# United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

puts country.regions.map(&:name)
# ["England", "Wales", "Scotland", "Northern Ireland"]

Country names come from https://github.com/hexorx/countries

Region names come from https://github.com/CharlieHR/national-holidays-config


region = NationalHolidays::Region.new(:united_states14)

puts region.code
# :united_states14

puts region.name
# Illinois

date = Date.new(2018, 1, 1)

puts region.all_holidays.count
# 374

puts region.holidays_on_or_before(date).count
# 87
puts region.holidays_before(date).count
# 86

puts region.holidays_on_or_after(date).count
# 288
puts region.holidays_after(date).count
# 287

puts region.holidays_between(date, date).count
# 1


# {
#   en: "New Year's Day",
#   es: "Año Nuevo"
# }

# Date.new(2018, 1, 1)

# true

In the future we hope to also support non-public holidays, ie. days which are notable but do not mean that people get the day of work.

Who are we?

We run CharlieHR where knowing about public and national holidays helps us calculate time off for 1000s of companies.