
Pilot your rgb led matrix with Nodejs ! Nodejs binding of rpi-rgb-led-matrix library https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix - Actively Maintained!

Primary LanguageC++Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL



tested on node 8 and node 10, probably works on node13 now

check out this guys fork: easybotics#9

targetted at raspbian jesse

Pilot your rgb led matrix with Nodejs on Raspberry Pi ! Nodejs binding of rpi-rgb-led-matrix library https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix

Fork of: https://github.com/zeitungen/node-rpi-rgb-led-matrix

Actively being maintained and modified for: https://github.com/easybotics/node-red-contrib-led-matrix

It is binding recent version of rpi-rgb-led-matrix library.

Installation with npm

$ npm i easybotics-rpi-rgb-led-matrix

Installation with git

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/easybotics/node-rpi-rgb-led-matrix.git
$ cd easybotics-rpi-rgb-led-matrix
$ npm i

Get some Fun

var LedMatrix = require("easybotics-rpi-rgb-led-matrix");

//init a 16 rows  by 16 cols led matrix 
//default hardware mapping is 'regular', could be 'adafruit-hat-pwm' ect 
var matrix = new LedMatrix(16, 16 );
matrix.fill(255, 50, 100);
matrix.setPixel(0, 0, 0, 50, 255);

The API has changed somewhat since the zeitungen version

LedMatrix API

All operations modify a local frame buffer, only after calling 'Update' are they printed to the display

  • Constructor: LedMatrix (rows, cols, parallelDisplays, chainedDisplays, brightness, hardware-mapping, rgbSequence, cliFlags)
	rows: height of led panels in pixels
	cols: width of led panels in pixels
	parallelDisplays: number of parallel panels
	chainedDisplays: number of chained panels
	brightness: initial brightness 0 - 100
	hardware-mapping: 'regular', 'adafruit-hat' etc
	rgbSequence: default 'RGB'
	cliFlags: array of cli flags
  • brightness (value)
	set brightness between 0 - 100
  • clear ()
	clear the display buffer
  • drawCircle (x, y, radius, r, g, b)
	draw colored circle to the buffer
  • drawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, r, g, b)
	draw colored line to the buffer
  • drawText (x, y, text, font, r, g, b)
	draw colored text to the buffer
	to use the fonts that come with the repo it looks something like this

	const input = "hello world!"; //whever you get the input from
	const font  =  __dirname + '/fonts/' + "5x8.bdf";
	led.drawText(x, y, input, font, r, g, b);
  • fill (r, g, b)
	fill the buffer with a color
  • getHeight ()
	get height of addressable space
  • getWidth ()
	get width of addressable space
mysterious methods back from before we picked up this library 
  • setPixel (x, y, r, g, b)
	set pixel to a color
  • update ()
	Draw the current buffer to the display (with vsync!)