
CMU 15-441/641 Project 3 Checkpoint 2

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Project 3, Checkpoint 2: Flow-Level Load Balancer


This folder contains the files to build a Docker testbed with all the dependencies you need for developing the load balancer. First, make sure that Docker is installed on your machine. It is highly recommended to read the Docker documentation and understand how Docker works.


File/Folder Use
apache2/ Apache web server
www/ A website with video
src/cmu* Load balancer code (copied to /click)
src/echo* Simple echo server to test starter code
src/loadgen.py Load generator script that fetches video chunks from the server
src/simple.load Load config that tells loadgen.py how to generate loads
Dockerfile Docker config
README.md This file
setup.sh Script to set up the docker testbed

Set up the testbed

  1. Execute ./setup.sh from a terminal. This script builds a Docker image and launches a set of containers.
  2. When the script finishes, you can log into each container. The complete set of container names is: router, client[12345], server[123]. Run this command to log in to one of them: docker exec -it [container_name] /bin/bash.

Click modular router

This load balancer is designed to operate on L4, which means it can balance load based on the information in the link layer, network layer and transport layer, but NOT in the application layer. This is a transparent load balancer so it does not terminate TCP connections; both clients and servers should not be aware of it. Therefore, the best way to implement this network function is to make it look like a router box. But note that it is not a router, for example it does not necessarily respond to pings. (In fact, most load balancers do not allow you to ping the backend servers as that exposes a security risk.)

The Click modular router is a powerful software router that enables fast prototyping of various network functions. All of the routing and processing is done in software so you have flexibility to customize your load balancer. Since Click itself is quite complicated, mastering the whole Click architecture is out of the scope of this project. We provide you a working Click program with an empty load balancer module. You only need to focus on developing the module named CMULoadBalancer.

A very brief Click primer

In the /click folder of your container router, you will find the complete source code of Click. The CMULoadBalancer module is implemented in two files named /click/elements/local/cmuloadbalancer.{cc,hh}, you will need to keep them where they are and make changes. Do not modify the existing function signatures but feel free to add your own helper functions and data structures. The existing code is heavily documented to show you how to manipulate packet headers.

Click needs to be recompiled every time you make new changes. To do that, run:

$ cd /click
$ ./configure --enable-local
$ make elemlist
$ make -j $(nproc) install

You can start Click to test the load balancer by feeding it a configuration. The Click configuration tells the Click binary how each routing component should be connected to function as a router together. A working configuration is provided in /p3_starter/cmu_load_balancer.click. Run the following command to launch Click:

$ click /p3_starter/cmu_load_balancer.click

Keep in mind that routing only works when Click is running. You can Ctrl-C to stop Click.

CMU Load Balancer

The starter code implements a very simple static load balancing scheme. The clients all connect to a virtual IP:virtual port (i.e., The load balancer statically translates the vip:vport to a real backend IP:port and vice versa. You can verify this behavior by running the given echo_client.py and echo_server.py programs. First, after you have set up the testbed, log into the router container and start Click:

$ docker exec -it router /bin/bash
$ click /p3_starter/cmu_load_balancer.click

Next, log into server1 and start the echo_server:

$ docker exec -it server1 /bin/bash
$ python3 /p3_starter/echo_server.py

The echo_server will listen on port 7000 on Then, log into client1 and start the echo_client:

$ docker exec -it client1 /bin/bash
$ python3 /p3_starter/echo_client.py

The echo_client will connect to port 9876 on, which does not exist anywhere on the testbed. But you should see that the client prints out a "hello world" message correctly. This means the Click router is doing its job. If you kill the Click router, echo_server and echo_client will no longer work.

Web server

The same Apache web server is reused from the adaptive bitrate checkpoint to serve the same video traffic. Each server container has an Apache server running at port number 8000 + $(last octet of server's IP of eth0). For example, server1 with IP will have its Apache running on port 8031. You should not need to modify the Apache config or the website content for this project. If the Apache server crashes or needs a restart, you need to manually restart it: /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -k restart.

Load generator

loadgen.py and simple.load are the load generator facility we provide for testing. To use loadgen.py, run

$ cd /p3_starter
$ python3 loadgen.py -e simple.load

This will generate HTTP GET requests to the server and fetch a set of video chunks. It allows a number of ways to fetch the video chunks: (1) fetching at a specified time, (2) fetching a specified bitrate, (3) fetching the chunks a number of times, and (4) sleep between fetching successive chunks. Please read the project handout and the comments of simple.load for more details. The current load config only contains one simple test scenario. Follow the syntax and extend it to create a different load config for your own testing.