
Project of the subject Data Processes, of the Master in Informatics Engineering on the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in which we researched health metrics with COVID syntoms.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



  • Miguel Alonso, Carlos - z170243
  • Fernández Molleda, Lucía - z170312
  • Leira García-Baamonde, Manuel - z170136

We couldn't find a 4th member, not even through Moodle forum, so we decided to develop this project without that 4th student.


  • $ make install: installs required dependencies



  • docs/Project_Plan.pdf: document in which this project, its goals/objectives and any relevant information about its planning is specified.

  • docs/Technical_Report.pdf: post-mortem of the project, in which the results of the analysis and the conclusions obtained from said analysis are explained with relevant plots, images and/or data.


  • csv/COVID19_data.csv: Original dataset given to carry-on this project.

  • csv/covid_preprocessed.csv: File with the dataset already pre-processed and ready to be used on a ML model to make predictions.


  • covid.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook code used to clean the dataset and perform the analysis of its data, which generates plots that show any relevant information to understand the problem and give a final answer to the business and the data mining goals.

  • data_processes.knwf: ML model that predicts the number of exitus and ICU patients using the covid_preprocessed.csv file.

Additional files

  • README.md: this file, which explains the contents of this directory.

  • Makefile: file to install dependencies easily using pip.

  • .requirements.txt: file with the dependencies of this project, all of them related to Python. This file is used by the Makefile, or it can be used manually with the command pip install -r .requirements.txt to install said dependencies.


The authors are not responsible for the bad use, copy, or possible consequences related to plagiarism of this code or the contents of this repository. Do the assignment, it is very easy, please.