
This repository is the water deposit analysis of the Palioderli dam at Skopia (Greece)

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This repository is the water deposit analysis of the Palioderli dam at Skopia (Greece)

Palioderli dam


Skopia (Greece) is a small village in Municipality of Farsala, more here. In 2021 was announced a big project of creating a water dam in the local area of Palioderli.


  • Docker
  • GDAL
  • QGIS

Input Data

  • DEM 4.77 meters resolution
  • Position of the dam


Download the DEM

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/data:/data -t interline/planetutils:latest elevation_tile_download --outpath=data/elevation --bbox=22.37298,39.10379,22.52401,39.21161 --zoom=14

Merge the tiles into 1 GeoTiff file

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/data:/data -t interline/planetutils:latest  elevation_tile_merge palioderli-dem.tif data/

Calculate the raster where the elevation is less than 412 meters (336 meters dam position initial elevation + 76 meters dam height)

Polygonize the result

gdal_polygonize.bat ./data/raster/water-deposit.tif -b 1 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ./data/vector/water-deposit.shp water-deposit DN

Calculate the DEM after filling the dam, in QGIS -> Raster Calculator

if("palioderli-dem@1" < 350.50, 350.50, "palioderli-dem@1")


The dam will be constructed @ Χ = 0372321, Y = 4336653 (EPSG:2100) and water deposit height will be 350.50 m.

Water deposit of the Palioderli Dam

Water Deposit Figure 1. Palioderli dam water deposit after filling with 76 meter water height.

3D Psedo topography

Psedo 3D Map Figure 2. Psedo 3D map, after being filled the dam with water

Viewshed from the Skopia village to the water deposit

Viewshed Figure 3. Skopia viewshed of the area, after being filled the dam with water


Apache License Version 2.0