WARNING!!! before starting the app, you should check if there's a sca_web_back/secret_config.py
file. It should contain just one variable TOP_SECRET_KEY = "...some_long_15+string"
If there isn't, you will have to create this file yourself, otherwice the app won't start. (Or you can specify the key directly in sca_web_back/settings.py
, SECRET_KEY = ...).
This is made in order not to store the key in repository.
WARNING 2!!! See the authorization and security section of this README.MD
Now SCA WEB ACCESS component uses 'rest_framework.authtoken' and 'corsheaders' as authentication and CORS handling middleware.
Users need login & password to log in and use the SCA WEB ACCESS.
But Users are symply Django-admin superusers! So you can register a new user via console.
cd sca_web_back
python manage.py createsuperuser
and just follow the instructions
And the username and password you specify in createsuperuser
, you will later use to log in via your browser.
sca_web_back by default accepts requests only from http://localhost:3000
. That's the default host that yarn development server runs. If needed, you can add another
host to make django backend work with it. Open sca_web_back/settings.py
and add your host into list: