
ChartIQ Vue Application

Primary LanguageVue

ChartIQ Vue Application



The ChartIQ Vue application is a toolkit of components that enable you to build charting applications in the Vue 2 framework. The components include everything from a basic chart to a complex, active trader desktop:

  • AdvancedChartComponent — Creates a full-featured chart with a fully developed user interface
  • CustomChartComponent — Integrates native Vue components with ChartIQ W3C-standard web components
  • ActiveTraderComponent — Sets up a comprehensive information dashboard for traders who trade frequently
  • Multi — Displays two advanced charts on screen simultaneously
  • HelloWorld — Creates a basic chart with no UI as a starting point for your Vue app

Note: This application has been designed to simplify the transfer of modules such as src/containers/AdvancedChart to other applications. We don't expect that developers will use the application as is with all modules included. So, to make transferring modules easier, we more or less duplicated resource files in each module.


  • A copy of the ChartIQ JavaScript library (works best with version 9.1.3).
    • If you do not have a copy of the library or need a different version, please contact your account manager or visit our Request Follow-Up Site.

Getting started

To implement this project:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Extract the contents of your zipped ChartIQ library package
  3. Copy the tarball (.tgz file) from the extracted library package into the root of this project
  4. Run the following commands from the root of the project:
    • npm install ./chartiq-x.x.x.tgz or yarn add ./chartiq-x.x.x.tgz to install the charting library
    • npm install or yarn install to install the rest of the dependencies
    • npm run start or yarn run start to start up the development server
  5. Open your browser to http://localhost:8080/ to load the application

Note: When you are upgrading or changing your license, we recommend that you completely remove the old library before reinstalling the new one, for example:

npm uninstall chartiq
npm install ./chartiq-x.x.x.tgz


Web component templates

The templates in AdvancedChartComponent, CustomChartComponent, and ActiveTraderComponent are collections of ChartIQ's user interface web components. You can customize the chart user interface by adding, removing, or modifying UI components. You can also add your own custom Vue components.


You can configure a variety of chart features by modifying the configuration object provided to the component definition files of AdvancedChartComponent, CustomChartComponent, and ActiveTraderComponent. Look for the call to getConfig in the resources files.

A default configuration is part of the ChartIQ library. See the Chart Configuration tutorial for all the configuration details.

You can also modify the CSS in the style tags in the index.vue files associated with the components. See the CSS Overview tutorial for information on customizing the chart look and feel.

Component customization

ChartIQ web components can be customized by extending the web component classes. Customization code should run prior to creating the chart. We recommend keeping all customization code in a single file or folder to simplify library version upgrades.

Here's an example of customizing the cq-chart-title component:

// Access the web component classes.
import { CIQ } from 'chartiq/js/componentUI';

// Access the class definition of the web component.
const ChartTitle = CIQ.UI.components('cq-chart-title')[0].classDefinition;

// Extend the web component class.
class CustomChartTitle extends ChartTitle {
    update() {
        // Execute the original method.
        // Update the chart title.
        const { symbol, symbolDisplay } = this.context.stx.chart;
        // If symbolDisplay is available, use it in the document title.
        if (symbolDisplay) {
            document.title = document.title.replace(symbol, symbolDisplay);

// Update the web component definition.
CIQ.UI.addComponentDefinition('cq-chart-title', CustomChartTitle);

Component integration

CustomChartComponent integrates native Vue components with ChartIQ's W3C-standard web components.

The RecentSymbols component provides an example of wrapping and enhancing a web component with a Vue component. RecentSymbols adds a RECENT tab to the lookup controls created by ChartIQ's cq-lookup and cq-comparison-lookup web components. The RECENT tab displays a list of recently used financial instrument symbols maintained by the RecentSymbols component.

The ShortcutDialog component is an example of a Vue component accessed by a web component. User interaction with a drop-down menu created by a ChartIQ cq-menu web component opens the dialog box created by the ShortcutDialog component. The dialog box enables users to set shortcut keys on the chart's drawing tools.

Enabling plug-ins

The ChartIQ library comes with a variety of plug-ins that add enhanced functionality to charts. The ChartIQ Vue application comes with the plug-ins built in but not enabled.

Note: Plug-ins are optional extras that must be purchased. To determine the plug-ins included in your library, see the ./node_modules/chartiq/plugins folder.

The application includes the ChartIQ plug-ins as component resources that are enabled by uncommenting the relevant imports in the component resources file.

For example, to enable the Trade from Chart (TFC) plug-in for AdvancedChartComponent, uncomment the following lines in the resources.ts file:

// import 'chartiq/plugins/tfc/tfc-loader'
// import 'chartiq/plugins/tfc/tfc-demo'

config.plugins = {
    // tfc,

To enable the Market Depth chart and L2 Heat Map for AdvancedChartComponent, uncomment the following lines in resources.ts:

// import 'chartiq/plugins/activetrader/cryptoiq';
// import 'chartiq/examples/feeds/L2_simulator' /* for use with cryptoiq */

config.plugins = {
    // marketDepth,

and the following line in index.vue:

// CIQ.simulateL2({ stx: chartEngine, onInterval: 1000, onTrade: true })

HTML template replacement

Because <template> is an internal Vue tag, the <template-placeholder> component is defined in main.js as a substitute for the HTML <template> element.

The <template-placeholder> component is used in place of the HTML <template> element in AdvancedChartComponent.vue, CustomChartComponent.vue, and the ActiveTraderWorkstation index.vue.

See Github issues for more information.

Important note

Make sure the ChartIQ chart engine is not a reactive property of the Vue component, as that will affect performance of the chart engine. For example, when referencing the chart engine as a class property, set the initial property value to undefined to prevent the chart engine from becoming reactive.

See the Data topic in the Vue Class Component for more information.

Questions and support

Contributing to this project

Fork it and send us a pull request. We'd love to see what you can do with our charting tools in Vue.js!