Login Example Users

  Username: prof
  Password: 123

  Username: admin
  Password: 123

IT Analyst
  Username: it
  Password: 123

Dependency Setup

Our project requires the installation of:

  • Install Node (I am using 17.6.0, however the latest LTS should work too according to here)

    Your node installation includes the following important tools:

    • npx, used to execute packages that haven't been installed (commonly used in generating templates)
    • npm, a package manager that doubles to run scripts you define in your package.json file
  • Install MySQL (I am using version 8.26.0, anything close should work too)

    • Configure your server to run on port 3306 (default) and use the default username: root and password: password (This could all be omitted with MySQL being containerized in docker if it was setup)
  • Install git if you don't have it already. If you have Github Desktop then you should already have it. You can test this by opening a terminal and running git --version.

Project Setup

In a terminal in the prefered directory for your project, run git clone https://github.com/Chase-William/RIT-CapSTONERS. This will create a folder and inside will be a copy of the project. Change directory into the project's root directory and then run npm install (this may require a terminal with elevated privilage). This will download all the packages require for the project to function.

That is:

  • git clone https://github.com/Chase-William/RIT-CapSTONERS
  • npm install

Once that is installed, we need to setup Prisma. In the project root dir, run the following:

  • npx prisma db push, pushes the schema to the MySQL instance running
  • npx prisma generate, generates the client-side library to match the schema in your node project
  • npx prisma db seed, populates the database with default records

To check the validity of the last commands, open a MySQL CommandLine.

  • SELECT * FROM rawrs;

Last command to start the server locally:

  • npm run dev

Project Structure

Directory Description
components Contains re-usable components that can be used throughout the site.
compoentns/auth Contains re-usable components specifically for authentification purposes.
lib Contains general utilties used throughout the site.
pages Contains all nevigatable endpoints a user can navigate to.
pages/api Contains all RESTapi endpoints.
pages/api/auth Contains all RESTapi endpoints involved with user login & registration.
pages/course Contains the course page which is dynamically routed using the course id.
prisma Contains the prisma schema and script for seeding the database.
public Contains public assets used by the site.
styles Contains all .css files.
styles/components Contains styles for components.
stlyes/pages Contains styles for pages.

What Generation Does

After modifying the Prisma schema, run npx prisma generate to keep the generated Prisma library in sync. read here

Ensure you drop the database entirely before seeding the database if already seeded.

Seeding The Database

Seeding a database will insert default data into the database. Our default data is housed within prisma/seed.ts and can be used by running npx prisma db seed. If you run this and get a Unique constraint failed on the constraint, the database already contains seeded records.

Docker Steps (what I had started.. kinda deprecated)

Create a volume which can be loaded into a container.


docker volume create rawrs-volume
docker run --name=rawrs-mysql -p3306:3306 -v mysql-volume:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rawrs123 -d mysql/mysql-server:latest
mysql -u root -p

Provide password: rawrs123

Allow connections outside of docker container local machine itself.

update mysql.user set host = '%' where user='root';

Setup database.

source /app/src/setup.sql
1. Student Help Request

1. Login
2. Professor Dashboard
3. Courses
4. Individual Student
5. Alerts

1. It Analyst

1. Admin