
A simple hotkey library for WPF programs.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A simple hotkey library for WPF programs.

Example Usage

Checkout the sample project to see a working demo.

hotkey = new Hotkey(
    IntPtr.Zero // Or pass in the windowHandle if you want to associate with the window instead of the calling thread.

if (!hotkey.TryRegisterHotkey(out uint errCode)) // errCode is a win32 error number that can be looked up.
    throw new Exception("ErrCode Received: " + errCode);

hotkey.HotkeyClicked += delegate
    MessageBox.Show("Hot-key Clicked!");

Cleaning Up

The Hotkey class implements the IDisposable interface so you can call Dispose when you are done with it to immeditely clean up. Otherwise the hotkey's finalizer will call Dispose for you when the object is being cleaned up by the GC.
