
Interactive Slack component that lets any Slack user updat​e the schedule posted by Duty Bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Duty Bot Updater

Duty Bot Updater is an interactive Slack component that lets any Slack user updat​e the schedule posted by Duty Bot.

User Work Flow

  1. User clicks "More actions" for a message
  2. User clicks "Update Duty Member"
  3. User selects another Slack user
  4. Orginal message is updated

App Flow

  actor U as User
  participant S as Slack
  participant A as App
  U ->> S: User clicks "Update Duty Member"
  S ->> A: Slack requests the payload view
  A ->> S: App calls views.open with the modal instructions 
  S ->> U: Slack displays modal to user
  U ->> S: User submits modal with the selected RA
  S ->>+ A: Slack sends modal submission payload
  A -->> S: App calls chat.update to update the message
  A -->> S: App calls chat.postMessage to log the change
  A ->>- S: App returns 200 ok
  S ->> U: Slack closes the modal


Create a Slack app

  1. Create an app at https://api.slack.com/apps
  2. Navigate to the OAuth & Permissions page and add the following bot token scopes:
    • commands (required for Actions)
    • chat:write (required to send messages as a bot user)
    • im:write (required to open a DM channel between your bot and a user)
  3. Click 'Save Changes' and install the app

Run locally

  1. Get the code

    • git clone git@github.com:ChaseC99/duty-bot-updater.git
    • npm install
  2. Set the following environment variables to .env with your API credentials (see .env.sample):

    • SLACK_ACCESS_TOKEN: Your app's bot token, xoxb- token (available on the Install App page, after you install the app to a workspace once.)
    • SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET: Your app's Signing Secret (available on the Basic Information page)to a workspace)
    • LOG_CHANNEL: The channel id for where your log messages will go.
  3. If you're running the app locally:

    1. Start the app (npm start)
    2. In another window, start ngrok on the same port as your webserver (ngrok http 3000) ​

Configure with Slack

  1. Go back to the app settings and click on Interactive Components.
  2. Click "Enable Interactive Components" button:
    • Request URL: Your ngrok URL + /updateDutyMessage in the end (e.g. https://example.ngrok.io/updateDutyMessage)
    • Under Actions, click "Create New Action" button
      • Action Name: Update Duty Member
      • Description: Updates the message to display the correct Duty Member
      • Callback ID: update_duty_member
  3. Click Save ​

Deploying to AWS

I could have just used serverless to create these resources and deploy but I wanted to get the experience of setting up and deploying my code manually.

Setting up AWS resources

  • Create a new Lambda function with a Node runtime environment
    • You may need to extend the timeout to 15 seconds
  • Add an API Gateway trigger to the lambda function
  • Update your Slack app's interactive component request url to be the url from the API Gateway.

Updating the deployment

  • Run source build_deployment.sh
  • Upload the new deployment-package.zip file to the Lambda function