- NetCore and Desktop libraries combined to NetStandard 2.0
- Cauldron.XAML renamed to Cauldron.Win32.WPF
- UWP libraries are combined together to a single library
- Win32 specific libraries has now the following nomenclature: Cauldron.Win32.*
- DispatcherEx is now injectable. It uses the new UnitTest aware Factory resolver to inject either the dummy dispatcher or the real deal.
- ComparerUtils renamed to Comparer
- Breaking changes: Reorganisation of the XAML libraries
- Skinning added (Skins from first version of Cauldron re-added)
- The App class (which inherits from ApplicationBase) is now recognized as Splashscreen if it has assigned a view. The OnPreload method is only called if a view is assigned if the navigation-mode is not SinglePage.
- Bug fixes in Interception.Fody
- Properties as constructors now works as expected
- ComponentConstructor attributes are now no longer removed after weaving
- Locale class can now be injected without causing an error during Assembly verification
- Singleton<> base class component construtor attribute removed, because it is redundant and causes errors.
- NetCore versions of Cauldron.Interception, Cauldron.Core and Cauldron.Activator are now part of the NuGet package again.
- Password scoring now works a bit better
- Inline text for TextBlock fixed
- XAML.Validation is now awaitable
- Module OnLoad "interceptor" added
- Bug fixes - see Incidents
- NetCore Dlls droped from package due to issues with Fody - This will be back as soon as NetCore and Fody works a lot better
- Types with the component attribute get a hard-coded CreateInstance method. The Factory will use this method to create an instance of the type. This should give the factory an instancing performance almost on par with the new keyword.
- Types that inherits or implements the following classes or interfaces are considered as components and will also recieve a CreateInstance method: ResourceDictionary, IValueConverter, INotifyPropertyChanged, FrameworkElement
- ComponentConstructor Attribute
- Now also accepts static Properties as Component constructor
- New Property added: Priority; This is used by the Factory to order the result of CreateMany. 0 is lowest; uint.Max is highest.
- Breaking changes in Assemblies class. Some methods and properties were removed without replacement.
- Method and Property interceptor can now be used to intercept all methods and properties in a class. Excluded method can be attributed by the DoNotIntercept attribute.
- CreateObject<> renamed to CreateType, which fits more to what it does.
- Locale class redesigned for more performance
- Localization source implementations now requires a component attribute
- Basic implementation base classes added for ILocalizationSource
- XML serialization/deserialization in Serializer class replaced by much faster JSON.NET
- Breaking changes in Factory - The performance of the Factory was boosted with the following drawbacks
- Upgraded to the newest version of Fody
- Minor bug fixes
- Inject attribute default paramaters are now "params"
- Assemblies class now throws a better error message if an Assembly cannot be loaded
- Better error message in Inject attribute
- Errors in Cauldron.Interception.Fody copy method fixed 1 2
- TimedCache attribute key generation fixed. bBlock now works- Bug fix for anonymous type to interface convertion
- Several minor bug fixes
- TimedCacheAttribute now supports async methods
- Unused variables are now removed from the method's local varible list
- Cauldron.Interception is now using Cecilator
- MethodOf, FieldOf, ChildOf removed
- New Interceptor added: TimedCacheAttribute - Caches Methods using MemoryCache
- Several Bug fixes - See issues section
- CreateObject moved to Cauldron.Core
- Performance boost to CreateInstance
- IEquatable<> interface added to User class
- Minor bugs fixed
- Bug fixed that caused Cauldron.Interception.dll to be referenced with copy local set to false.
- Bug fix in Cauldron.Interception.Fody regarding nested classes and generic classes and methods
- References of the Nuget packages updated
- Inject attribute from Cauldron.Injection moved to Cauldron.Activator
- InjectAttribute is now based on Cauldron.Interception
- Cauldron property interceptors setters can deal with IEnumerables if target property implements the IEnumerable<> interface
- Experimental ChildTypeOf method added.
- Cauldron.Activator has now an extension that can create types from interfaces.
- CreateObject extension removed from Cauldron.Dynamic
- Cauldron.Injection removed
- Fody add-in weaver bugs fixed
- Nuget packages fixed
- Reference to Fody
- Method, fields and property interceptor added
- Try Catch Finally implementation
- Method, property and field interceptors with SemaphoreSlim implementation
- methodof and fieldof implementations in Cauldron.Core.Reflection
- Cauldron.IEnumerableExtensions removed
- .NET Standard 1.6 added to NuGet package
- Missing resources in UWP packages added
- Behaviour of As<> Extension changed. It will use implicit and explicit operators if casting did not work.
- string Replace(string,char[],char) extension method added.
- Examples added to the following methods
- ExtensionsDirectoryServices.Impersonate
- ConsoleUtils.WriteTable
- AsyncHelper.NullGuard
- Extensions.IsDerivedFrom removed
- Extension.LowerFirstCharacter optimized
- Cauldron.XAML.Interactivity.TextBoxHeader removed
- Reference to Cauldron.UWP.XAML.Potions in Cauldron.UWP.XAML removed
- Several minor bug fixes
- ByteSizeFormatter moved to Cauldron.Core.Formatters
- MetricUnitFormatter added -> key is metric -> .ToStringEx("metric") or "{0:metric}"
- ByteSizeFormatter key changed from B to byte -> .ToStringEx("byte") or "{0:byte}"
- ToStringEx extension method added
- Java property file reader / writer added
- NavigationFrame now always retrieve the View in the following order (on UWP and Desktop)
- Defined in ViewAttribute
- Variants such as Mobile, Desktop, Xbox, Iot, Landscape, Portrait
- DataTemplate
- Variants such as Mobile, Desktop, Xbox, Iot, Landscape, Portrait
- Type (View Type) By Name
- Defined in ViewAttribute
- New method added in ApplicationBase to be able to load additional assemblies before initializing XAML / WPF
- Several minor fixes