
Some Java projects I've worked on in the past

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List of Java Projeccts I have done and completed.

DocumentsApp: Creating a Document class, Then instantiating Document objects to show the Title, Author, and Book.

HelloWorldApp: Very Simple "Hello World" app.

LanguageBasics: App created to show the basics of Java language.

FirstFXApp: JavaFX app created to print "Hello World" to the command line when button is pressed.

Stopwatch: App created making a stopwatch that can be stopped, started, and reset. Also has a digital timer to show time.

StopwatchFXML: Same app as stopwatch, but creating using SceneBuilder and JavaFX.

PetstoreUML: UML diagram created for a package called "Petstore".

Notifier: App made to "Notify" in a text field when button is pressed.