
Object Oriented Comparison of Java and C#

Primary LanguageJava

Object Oriented Final Project

Team Member: Aaron Smith



For this project, I will be making a comparison of Java and C#. I decided to compare Java and C# because I am going to need to know C# for work at Monsanto over the summer and I wanted to learn it in the context of a language I was confident in.

For ease of use, I pulled code files from their packages so they could be easily linked to. If you want to see full packages, please refer to the two .zip files CSharpExamples.zip and JavaExamples.zip

Table of Contents

1. Language Purpose

2. Unique Features

3. Name Spaces

4. Types

5. Classes

6. Instance Reference Name

7. Properties

8. Interfaces and Protocols

9. Inheritance and Extension

10. Reflection

11. Memory Management

12. Comparisons of References and Values

13. Null or Nil References

14. Errors and Exception Handling

15. Lambda Expressions, Closures, or Functions as Types

16. Implementation of Listeners and Event Handlers

17. Singletons

18. Procedural Programming

19. Functional Programming

20. Multi-Threading

Major Takeaways

  • Java and C# are incredibly similar
  • Delegates are cool
  • It is extremely foolish to do a project by yourself