
Android (Java) - A grocery list app for adding/updating/checking items for a grocery list

Primary LanguageJava

#Android - Grocery List App ###An Android app targeting AP16 (compatability)


This project is a grocery list app for Android devices. It currently uses a grocery_list.xml file as the grocery list. Will soon be updating to use SQLite as the database.

Allows you to add new items, auto-updates the quantity of existing items, and has an "In Cart?" checkbox for each item to check if you've added the item to your shopping cart already.

####This is a really good example of my Java understanding and coding skills


  • Make "Qty" numbers on each item clickable and editable
  • Make "Item Name" fields on each item clickable and editable
  • Create sort lists to sort items by name or other options
  • Add "grocery type" property to GrocerItem class so each item added can be assigned to a type (i.e. meat, produce, dairy, dry, etc)
  • Add delete option to each grocery item
  • Add a "clear all" option to empty the grocery item list when you are finished using the current list
  • Add the option to use multiple lists