
'tbar' - a command-line interface (terminal) backup/restore script for doing quick command-line backups/restores/archives/unarchives of files from a created ".files" list!

Primary LanguageShell

#Terminal Backup And Restore

##Why I made this:

I use a Mac at work and a different Mac at home. I wanted certain preferences (from ~/Library/Preferences/ or ~/Library/Application Support/) to be in a list of files to backup so I could just type something simple every day to sync these files into my Dropbox directory, or to restore them from the Dropbox directory. From a backup folder, I can type tbar -b at work to backup the current prefs states, then Dropbox syncs itself, then when I get home I can type tbar -r from my backup folder and it restores my work Mac's prefs to my home Mac. I couldn't get a symbolic or hard link of any file in either of those directories to work, nor could any good answers be found elsewhere. This works for me.


In terminal, navigate to the folder containing install. Run ./install OR sh install to copy the executables to your usr/local/bin directory. You may now type any of the following commands from any directory.

#####Troubleshooting install:

If you cannot execute ./install in terminal, give yourself execute permissions by typing chmod 755 install and then trying again.

Make sure you have permissions to /usr/local/bin (you should) if you have any copy or permission change errors.


####You can use either tbar -'flag' or direct t_'command' commands from any directory you wish to use as a backup directory:

#####Make your backup files .files list:

  • Type tbar -m file1 file2 etc OR tbar makelist file1 file 2 etc OR t_makelist file1 file2 etc at a terminal to create a list of files for regular backup or archiving; you can also type t_makelist OR tbar makelilst OR tbar -m and just drag/drop files to the terminal as well

#####Backing up files in your .files list:

  • Type tbar -b OR tbar backup OR t_backup to copy the list of files in .files to the current directory

#####(Quick) Backing up files in your .files list:

  • Type tbar -q OR tbar backupquick OR t_backupquick to copy the list of files in .files to the current directory
  • This mode is nearly silent and does not clear screen, great for use in multiple-backup script so you can see easy line-by-line successes or failures

#####Restoring files in your .files list:

  • Type tbar -r OR tbar restore OR t_restore to copy the list of files in the current directory back to their original copy directory

#####Archiving the backed up files in your backup folder:

  • Type tbar -a OR tbar archive OR t_archive to make a zip file of the files in .files with the same name as the current folder

#####Unarchiving the archived files in your backup folder:

  • Type tbar -u OR tbar unarchive OR t_unarchive to unzip the zipped file of the current folder's name to the current folder


I like having a copy of my WindowTidy preferences for when they change, etc. Here's how that worked:

On the first Mac, I navigate to my WindowTidy preferences backup folder:

cd ~/Dropbox/Preferences/WindowTidy

Then the first time I run tbar I create the .files backup list:

tbar -m ~/Libarary/Preferences/com.lightpillar.Window-Tidy.plist ~/Library/Application\ Support/WindowTidy/Layouts.data

This adds those two files to a new .files list. Next I type:

tbar -b

This copies those two files to the directory I'm in with the .files file. Finally I type:

tbar -a

This creates a zip file of both preference files named the same as my directory name (just in case I screw something up, I have a backup of the current files now).

On another Mac with Dropbox installed, I navigate to my WindowTidy preferences save folder:

cd ~/Dropbox/Preferences/WindowTidy

Here I can restore those settings to the preferences folder on the second Mac:

tbar -r

A few minutes later, I made a mistake in my WindowTidy layout. I'd like to go back to the recent archive of it:

tbar -u

And now restore those files:

tbar -r

That's it!


  • Add logic to get real paths for files added using symbolic links
  • Add logic to use home path ~/ instead of hardcoded /Users/username/