
My chatroom's bot

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple chat bot for my class chatroom using Cinch.


Clone this repo.

Create the file bot.yml to configure the bot and the plugins you want to use. Here's an example:

  server: chat.freenode.net
  nick: a_cool_bot_name
  channel: "#some_channel"
    - "repeater"
    - "seen"
    - "google"
    - "heartbeat"

Then run the command


to install dependencies.

Then use

bundle exec ruby jeeves.rb

to start the bot. The bot will connect to the network you specified with the nick you specified and join the channel.

Press Ctrl+C to stop the bot.

Using Plugins Backed By Redis (Karma plugin, etc)

Install Redis locally.

Add configuration to the bot.yml file.

  redis_host: localhost
  redis_port: 6380
  ... other stuff

Use Foreman to manage launching the bot and the Redis server.

foreman start

to launch the bot and Redis-server processes.

Press Ctrl+C to stop everything.


  • hello: A simple greeting plugin that demonstrates how a plugin works. Use this to build your own new plugin.
  • Heartbeat: Tests a URL to see if it's up
  • Google: From Cinch's default examples - searches Google and returns result.
  • seen: From Cinch's defaults, tells you the last time someone was seen.
  • repeater: Pings everyone - watches for a message starting with all:
  • weather: Gets the weather based on zip or city name
  • countdown: Sets a global timer and lets Jeeves tell you how much time is left till that deadline
  • js_sandbox: Lets you run some JS code and have Jeeves eval it. Uses Node.
  • info: A simple plugin that reads data strings from a file. Useful for quickly pulling up links in chat
  • hacker_news: Grab top story from HN
  • trivia: A simple trivia question plugin
  • eightball: A simple magic 8-ball plugin
  • rimshot: Link to rimshot sound.
  • ruby_sandbox: Lets you run some Ruby code and have Jeeves evaluate it.
  • room: video and screen sharing with Room.co
  • codepad: Request a shared workspace
  • karma: a simple points system that allows you to give or revoke karma points from people. Uses Redis to store scoreboard.
  • quotes: Get a random programming quote or add one of your own.
  • stack_overflow: Query StackOverflow for answers. Returns 3 results based on query.

Making a plugin

Plugins are just Ruby classes that include the Cinch::Plugin module. A plugin has a match directive and an execute() method. Everything else is just Ruby code.

match /hello/   # This calls the execute() method whenever the bot sees !hello

# this is called from the matcher.
# message.reply sends a message to the channel that the message
# originated from.
# message.user gets the user that sent the message.
# message.user.nick gets the nick of the user that sent the message.
def execute(message)
  message.reply("Hello #{message.user.nick}

See the hello plugin for more details, or look at the other plugins to get ideas. Make a plugin and contribute it!


Fork, send pull request. Keep commits small and organized. Don't add features to jeeves.rb please. Use plugins for that.

The Hello plugin

See plugins/hello.rb for how to write a basic plugin.

Test your plugins

See test/unit/hello_test.rb for how to test a plugin. Plugins use the Cinch-test library.


rake test

to run tests.
