Website Template

This is a website template initially built off of Ziraka's website template:

This can be used to create a simple, straightforward personal website. You can view my personal website using this template here:

Initial Steps:

  1. Access your Github account by creating a new one or logging in.
  2. Duplicate this repository ( to your own account ( by forking it.
  3. Go to the settings tab of your repository and click the pages tab. Then select which branch you would like to publish (default is: main). This should publish your website.
  4. Make changes to the files within your repository.
  5. Visit your live website at: to see the changes.

General Updates:

  • You can update the background information by downloading and replacing background image. (Note: this will not go in the images folder)
  • You can update the icon image by downloading and replacing ico file. (Note: this will not go in the images folder)

Documents Folder:

Add PDF files for the following files as well as any additional documents you want to include:

  • Resume.pdf
  • Blog post1.pdf
  • Blog post2.pdf

Images Folder:

Add JPG files for the following images as well as any additional images you want to include:

  • Professional Image.JPG

Index.html File Updates:

When you see “Update: example”, this is telling you a location you are expected to update. For example,

  • Template: “Update: Full Name”
  • Updated: “John Smith”

Information about what you are updating is visible this comment style:

	This is a comment to update this in the template

Updating Lines:

The following lines require updating. When you open the file, you will see a comment above the lines you should update.

Page Setup: This is the meta data used by search engines to ID the website

  • Line 10:
  • Line 15:
  • Line 19:
  • Optional, Line 25

Body: This is the data used for the body of your website

  • Line 53:
  • Line 68:
  • Line 69:
  • Line 81:
  • Line 84:
  • Line 96:
  • Line 111:
  • Line 112:
  • Line 124:
  • Line 133:
  • Line 146:
  • Line 147:
  • Line 162:

Footer: This is the data used for the footer of your website

  • Line 182:
  • Line 183:
  • Line 184:
  • Line 185: