A customizable, automated Windows batch script for easily compiling Aseprite
- antaxiom
- asojiin one of the IKEA drawers
- Booklordofthedings@booklordofthedings-old
- Clr89Odivelas, Portugal
- Darkcast
- derwee
- dreamjzShenzhen, China
- Eir-nya
- EvolFireVietNam
- fpsppty
- fukionlineptaste
- Hexangle320
- Hurricane4869Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya
- Icky17SVA Aargau
- IsaacShoebottom
- JuanManuelSanjurjoMar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- karkkijokeri127.0.0.1
- LeggoTMOdisha, India
- Ming-desu
- motionmonster
- RadioactiveBen
- Reality361
- se2setsu
- Slippy2k
- socalledtheraven
- StarFang208Italy
- ultraflame4
- vantk85