Includes a .config folder. You can put all the needed files into your ~/.config folder and edit them for your specific system.


  • bspwm, a window manager
  • sxhkd, for key combinations
  • polybar, for top and bottom status bars
  • picom, for corner rounding and window fading


  • This includes config for the xsecurelock lock screen (open with Ultra+L in sxhkdrc). You can remove or change this depending on what lock screen you use.
  • This includes config for the alacritty terminal (.config/alacritty directory). If you have a different terminal, you can probably convert this config to what you are using.
  • sxhkdrc is sct up for scrot screenshots. PrtSc to drag a box to screenshot, or Shift+PrtSc to screenshot the entire screen.

Layout for .config



Starts polybar creation script, sxhkd, and picom.


sxhkdrc - Key configuration

Note that Ultra refers to Super+Alt+Ctrl+Shift. You can change it if you want.

Ultra+V - Opens volume control (e.g. pavucontrol).

Ultra+F - Opens a web browser (e.g. Firefox). You might change it to Ultra+W for "Web" for othe web browsers.

Ultra+L - Starts lock screen (e.g. xsecurelock).

Super+D opens dmenu, if it's installed.

You can set other Ultra key combos for other apps you may often want to use (e.g. Ultra+D for Discord).



Modfication of example config. Key changes are fading, background blurring, and rounded corners.



Top polybar

Left- Workspaces.

Right- Mount point disk usage (e.g. / and /mnt), internet connection.

Mount point graphs list percentage and usage (eg. /mnt 16% (8GB)). Shows "mountPoint?" if not mounted.

Bottom polybar

Left- Window name

Right - Volume, RAM usage, CPU usage, clock, and battery respectively.

Polybar creation script. Readies log files and starts top and bottom polybars.



Sets font size to 8, transparency to 75% opaque, and uses a custom color theme.