
ChatCamp Cordova Plugin

Primary LanguageJava


ChatCamp Cordova Plugin

Realtime Chat SDK and Messaging API for Apps & Websites Integrate in-app messaging in your mobile apps & websites using ChatCamp platform

Signup at https://dashboard.chatcamp.io/register to get the application key.


This plugin is a wrapper around native code.

Install the plugin

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/ChatCamp/ChatCamp-Cordova-Plugin.git


Open /platforms/android/ folder in Android Studio. This plugin uses Chatkit for UI components so you need to add android.library.reference.3=chatkit in project.properties in platform/android folder. This is how your project.properties file should look like.

    android.library.reference.3=chatkit // This the line that needs to be added

Steps to integrate:

Login User

This function registes the user with the ChatCamp SDK,
user id should the id of the current user like "1", "2" etc
application id is the id acquired from Chatcamp

   var input = {userId : "user id", appId: "application id" }
   cordova.plugins.ChatCampPlugin.init(input, initSuccess, initFailure);
   var initSuccess = function(message) {

   var initFailure = function(chatcampException) {

Launch Chat Screen

This function will create a new group if the group does not exists or open the already created group if isDistinct is set true. If isDistinct is set false then it will always create a new Group.
user id is the list of user ids like "1,2,3"
channel name is the name of the channel

    var input = {userIds : "user ids", channelName : "channel name", isDistinct: "true" }
    cordova.plugins.ChatCampPlugin.createGroup(input, createGroupSuccess, createGroupFailure);
    var createGroupSuccess = function(message) {

    var createGroupFailure = function(chatcampException) {