
The Chatbot will try to solve or provide an answer to health-related issues or queries that the user is asking for. We are implementing NLP and ML to improve the efficiency of the chatbot.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The Chatbot will try to solve or provide an answer to health-related issues or queries that the user is asking for. We are implementing NLP and ML to improve the efficiency of the chatbot.

  • What was your motivation?
    • bulid fast chatbot interactive with the users
  • Why did you build this project?
    • because of the importance of telemedicine
  • What did you learn?
    • we learnt how to bulid chatbots from scratch and create a full conversation model with rasa platform


  • Rasa File that are configured in out project *we bulid a demo for a few diseases on rasa due to the limitation of our resourses

    • config.yml
    • nlu.yml
    • domain_updated.yml
    • credentials.yml
  • Notebooks files

    • nlu_generator (for generate intents of symptoms automatically)
    • graduation_project (main notebook for bulid simple chatbot by using pytorch)


  • pytorch
  • Rasa (open source platform to bulid full Ai Chatbot conversation)
  • prefer to install Pycharm or Visual Studio -word cloud


link for install rasa platfrom :https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/installation/




  • bulid simple chatbot for detect symptoms for the user intents
  • bulid machineLearning model to predict diseases from symptoms getting accuracy 84%
  • use advanced paltform like rasa to built full conversation chatbot