APP2 Programation et algorithmes

This repo contains work created for the USherbrooke APP2 which introduces programing as well as basic algorithms. The project requires that we (the students) create a C library which doesn't rely on third party libraries to do the following things:

Task filename Level
Spot characters in a string findChar.h Easy
Identify words which are palindromes findPalindrome.h Easy
Calculate sines (using series) sine.h Medium
Calculate cosines (using series) cosine.h Medium
Matrix addition TODO Hard*
Matrix multiplication TODO Hard*

*This is the first programing APP. The word Hard is used very liberaly here.


Files which do a specific operation required by the APP are located in their one files using their aforementioned filenames. Any function used by more than one of those functions are located in the format.h header files. Also, the testsuite.c provides an easy way to test the library with multiple edge cases using data contained in the testData.h header file.