
Database Setup

can call rake db:reset or, if you're starting with an empty database, rake db:seed

This will create:

All Badges

1 Admin

2 Leaders
each with a troop that has

  • 3 badges
  • 10 events within the next 30 days

10 Members


change default from: "" to the email address you want invitations to be sent from.

modify with invitation content.

create .env file and copy the contents of sample.env, then supply the variables with your information.

If you are not using as a domain, add DOMAIN to .env and write the appropirate domain. Go into config/environments/development.rb and change line 22 to domain: ENV["DOMAIN"]. Do the same thing for config/environments/production.rb (the line number may not be the same - you are changing the domain key in config.action_mailer.smtp_settings. Restart your server after modifying these files.

In order to make sure that your variables are working, open up bundle exec rails console and type:

$ Invitation.leader_invitation("youremailaddress").deliver

Check your email. The invitation should have been sent to your email address.

Creating Badges

$ bundle exec rails c
$ parser ="Patches1.csv")
$ parser.badge_list
$ Badge.count
$ => 260