Event Management System To run your Spring Boot project: 1. Setup: Ensure JDK, Maven, and IDE are installed. 2. Clone: Get your project code. 3. Import: Open in IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse). 4. Build: Let Maven resolve dependencies. 5. Database: Configure MySQL and application.properties. 6. Run: Start the application in IDE or via Maven. 7. Verify: Check http://localhost:8080 for running app. 8. Test: Use Postman or frontend to test APIs. 9. Deploy: Prepare for production as needed. Adjust settings and check logs for issues during setup and testing. To run your React frontend: 1. Navigate to your project directory in the terminal. 2. Install dependencies with npm install. 3. Start the development server with npm start. 4. Access your application at http://localhost:3000. Ensure Node.js and npm are installed beforehand. Clone this repository ✅ https://github.com/ChavinduShirantha/Intern_SoftedgeLab Connect with me If you have any bugs or issues , If you want to explain my code please contact me on : @2024 Chavindu Shirantha, Inc.All rights reserved