- Calls youtube API using publish_after=(current_day minus 2 day) in the background using CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE
- Creates and stores youtube API response videos in database youtube_video
- Exposes a GET API for users to fetch latest videos fetch_videos_api
- Exposes a search API for users to search using title and description search_api
- Find the APIs cURL here
- Dashboard: here
- Go into the fast_yt_video_fetcher/fast_yt_video_fetcher/
cd fast_yt_video_fetcher/fast_yt_video_fetcher/
- Create django admin superuser
python manage.py createsuperuser <username>
- Run docker-compose up to run the app
docker-compose up --build
- Find the app running in
- Login to the dashboard using the superuser credentials to view the videos
In case docker-compose up
does not populate the db
Run these commands:
python manage.py runserver
celery -A service_config worker -B -l info
- Async task which calls youtube API celery task
- This task is called at an interval of 10s using celery beat scheduler CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE
http://{base url}/api/v1/videos/?page_size=1
page_size : specifies the number of objects per page_size Response: { "count": 5, "next": "", "previous": null, "results": [ { "youtube_video_id": "pEzybK8wzFw", "title": "Best Moments In Cricket History | Top Cricket Moments | MB2T", "description": "Best Moments In Cricket History | Top Cricket Moments | MB2T.", "publishing_datetime": "2021-02-17T17:00:18Z" } ] }
http://{base url}/api/v1/videos/search/?title={search title}&description={search description}>
title : search video objects having title param description: search video objects having description param Response: [ { "youtube_video_id": "aVox3_bKr5Y", "title": "CM KCR Cricket Trophy Final at Siddipet Cricket Stadium | T News Live", "description": "TNews is a 24/7 Telugu news channel now on YouTube.The first Telangana news channel featuring best news from all around the world. We deliver breaking ...", "publishing_datetime": "2021-02-17T16:42:13Z" } ]