
A Twitter bot for interacting with a TCR without knowing what a blockchain is

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

TCR Party Bot!

This repository implements the brains behind the TCR Party Bot. This bot facilitates all interactions between Twitter and the underlying smart contracts on the blockchain in addition to retweeting all members of the live TCR.


Since you're reading this you've probably realized that TCR Party is an open source project! If you're feeling particularly frisky and have a feature that you'd like to see added or a bug that needs to be fixed we'd love for you to contribute.

The best place to get an inside look into our development process is by checking out our issue board and list, which keep track of tasks we're looking to complete. If you notice your request hasn't been already mentioned, feel free to open a ticket to begin discussion. We'd ask that you please open a ticket to discuss feature requests/issues before opening a PR, as we would like to make sure that there is no wasted/duplicated efforts. Nobody likes spending hours building a PR just to see it go stale in the tracker!

Additionally, we require all discussions around TCR Party follow Recurse Center's wonderful code of conduct in order to ensure a welcoming and fun environment for everybody.

Dev environment setup

Prepare dependencies

In order to get started you'll need to first deploy our contracts to a local blockchain. You can find more info on how to do this in the contracts repository.

Additionally, you'll need to have a working installation of Golang and Dep and a local Postgres database to work with.

Set up your environment file

We'll need to set up some variables dependant on your environment to get started. Create a new file in your cloned repository tcrpartybot/.env with the following contents:



MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY= # Note that this should omit the opening 0x of the private key


A few notes on the fields:

  • You can generate the API_TOKEN_HASH by using this tool.
  • You'll need to populate TOKEN_ADDRESS, WALLET_FACTORY_ADDRESS and TCR_ADDRESS using the contract addresses that are spit out when you run truffle migrate in the contracts repository.
  • You can leave START_BLOCK at 0 unless you're seeing performance issues when running the initial sync (ie if you're deploying to mainnet or testnet).
  • MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY should be a key with some ETH in its balance, otherwise the bot will run into issues when creating transactions. Ganache provides a list of addresses with 100ETH when you start your development chain.
  • If you want to test with Twitter you'll need to get a consumer key, secret, and env from their developer portal. This is an annoying process and isn't necessary to develop, so don't worry about it if you just want to make some smaller changes or play around.
  • On that note, you should probably keep SEND_TWITTER_INTERACTIONS set to false, as this will tell the bot to avoid attempting to send data to Twitter's API and instead just echo interactions to the console for debugging purposes.

Database setup

Connect to your postgres instance and create a new database entitled tcrparty:


Ensure whatever role you're using has permission to connect to and modify this database:


Now let's set up our schema! We use Migrate for database migrations, which you can find installation instructions for in their README. You can find a conveniently preconfigured script for running migration commands in bin/migrate.

Once you have migrate set up, you can set up your database by running:

$ bin/migrate up

Starting the server

Once you have everything set up (reminder: did you clone the contracts repository and deploy them onto your local Ganache instance?) you should be able to run the party bot by cding into the tcrpartybot directory and running:

$ go run *.go -repl

Notice the -repl flag, which tells the bot to start an interactive command line for you to simulate various interactions such as DMs, mentions, etc. without needing to use Twitter's API.