
Docker skeleton with Nginx, MySQL, Redis and PHP7 prepared for Symfony2/3 usage.

Primary LanguageShell


Docker skeleton with Nginx, MySQL, Redis and PHP7 prepared for Symfony2/3 usage.


  1. Install docker, docker-compose
  2. Copy docker-compose.yml.dist into docker-compose.yml
  3. Edit your docker-compose.yml (it is not under VCS) as you prefer
  4. Move Symfony2/3 application content into ./application folder
  5. Add to /etc/hosts: symfony.dev

where symfony.dev can be changed in docker/nginx/configs/symfony.conf

  1. Run redeploy.sh
  2. Now you can visit running application through symfony.dev:8080/app_dev.php or symfony.dev:8080

In application you can connect to database and redis using hosts database_host and redis_host.


├── application
│   └── web
│       └── app.php
├── database
├── docker
│   ├── nginx
│   │   ├── configs
│   │   │   └── symfony.conf
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   └── php_fpm
│       ├── configs
│       │   └── ...
│       └── Dockerfile
├── logs
│   └── nginx
├── docker-compose.yml
└── redeploy.sh
  • application is the directory for project files. Our Nginx config is pointing to ./application/web, which can be changed in docker/nginx/configs/symfony.conf
  • database is where MySQL will store the database files.
  • logs/nginx is where nginx will store the logs.

P.S. Helpful util phpdocker.io/generator