
A local HTML solution to Estate Management

Primary LanguageHTML

This is an inventory tracking application that utilizes local storage, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to sort, display, and save the information.  The goal is to track contacts, properties, and goods while managing someone's estate.

1.  Task List and Overall Summary on home page.
2.  Each list that you edit updates immediately.
3.  Each list is sorted alphabetically, except for Tasks, which sorts Completed tasks to the bottom, then sorts each section by date.
4.  Integrates Contacts into the Properties and Goods pages, allowing you to declare a particular individual as a buyer.
5.  Creates a specific list of only Sold properties and goods, based upon what you've marked as Sold.
6.  Tracks expenses.
7.  Provides a condensed printing format that allows you to select precisely what to print and what not to.

To install this application select the "Clone or Download" button on the GitHub repo (https://github.com/CheTranqui/Estate-Management) and click "Download ZIP". Once you've downloaded the ZIP file, extract all files and place them in a folder of your choosing. You may use the application simply by double-clicking any of the HTML documents - the Home screen is called EstateManagement.html.

Once you've opened the application it's going to look rather empty to begin with. It's waiting for you to populate it with data! Each page has a button labeled "Add New Task?".  Clicking this button will unhide a form to enter the appropriate data. Once you save the entered data, it will then be used throughout the application to provide information and access as relevant.

An example of this application in use is available on my YouTube channel here:  https://youtu.be/jQxiyXLbtPI

There are several limitations to saving data to localStorage that I would like to point out: first of all, security-wise this data is not encrypted. I encourage you not to keep passwords and such in this program. Secondly, localStorage is only available to a specific website.. because of this you must use the same browser to view the data that you used to save it. Also, Chrome does not have access to Firefox's localStorage and vice-versa. While I'm not 100% certain of this last part, it is likely that the files must remain in the same file location as well, so be sure your first use is from a folder location that you are pleased with.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me on any of the platforms below.

GitHub:  https://github.com/CheTranqui
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CheTranqui
Reddit:  https://www.reddit.com/user/CheTranqui/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC43wbpw02ZIYkhes0O70IVg?view_as=subscriber
Twitch:  https://www.twitch.tv/chetranqui