Check Point ExportImportPolicyPackage tool enables you to export a policy package from a Management database to a .tar.gz file, which can then be imported into any other Management database. The tool is supported for version R80.10 and above.
- abraxxaDeutsche Telekom Global Business Solutions GmbH
- AlekzNet
- bio-cao-xy11
- claiban-li
- constantin-evseevRussia, Samara
- DSalazar-Col
- ezekiel86
- Felipe3330
- ginocarrozzo
- goopilot
- harhanOslo, Norway
- hottwister
- imcmm
- jamcgUK
- jm3029
- jongsooda
- just4id
- mkol5222Prague, Czech Republic
- mmlangeIllinois, USA
- nebedTallinn
- nkonnov
- norajRawsec
- plater777Buenos Aires, Argentina
- psuimpreza
- pzwahlen
- Qui3t0wLLisbon
- r4m3u5127.0.0.1 lolcathost
- ramma83
- RodolfoMiguelLopezDepartment Of Defense
- samandqq
- selfuryonCyprus
- sglock78Karlsruhe
- spysnooperDonostia-San Sebastian, Spain
- TabTwoGermany
- tecepeipeNew Zealand
- wangxunqing