
The goal of this lab is to implement a lexical analyser for a simple programming language called PL/3007. In later labs, we will more fully explore the syntax and semantics of this programming language, and by the last lab you will have a full, working compiler from PL/3007 to Java bytecode. In every lab, you will be provided with a code template (downloadable as a zip file from the course website) to get you started. You will then need to fill in the template to implement the relevant functionality of the compiler. The code template contains comments telling you which parts of the code you need to change, and which ones you should not touch. Every template also comes with a unit test suite containing one or a few tests (suggestion: google search for “unit test” if you are not very sure what it means). At first, the test suite will fail, since the functionalities tested are not yet implemented. You should add your own tests and run the test suite frequently to make sure that your implementation behaves correctly, and that your changes do not lead to regressions. Your assignment will be graded by the instructors using automated unit tests, so it is imperative that the code you hand in compiles and behaves correctly.

Primary LanguageJava
