
modular config with type casting and validation out of the box📜

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Convenient modular config for nestjs applications

  • type casting (everything in environment is string) E.g. 'true' -> boolean ...
  • runtime validation
  • compatible with typescript you will have typed configs
  • modularity - you can define configs for every module in you project
  • get configs from environment variables by design
  • convenient config definition with class-transformer/class-validator


npm install --save @ukitgroup/nestjs-config


yarn add @ukitgroup/nestjs-config

Short example

Override configuration for particular modules from environment




export class CatConfig {
  readonly weight: number;

  readonly knowsProgramming: boolean = true;

Get the cat config in a service


export class CatService {
  constructor(@Inject(CatConfig) private readonly config: CatConfig) {}

  meow(): string {
    // overridden from env
    // typeof this.config.weight === 'number'
    // this.config.weight === 5

    // default value
    // typeof this.config.knowsProgramming === 'boolean'
    // this.config.knowsProgramming === true
    return `meows..`;


Define options for config in AppModule with:

ConfigModule.forRoot(options: ConfigOptions)
interface ConfigOptions {
  fromFile?: string;
  configs?: ClassType[];
  imports?: NestModule[];
  providers?: Provider[];

If you don't set fromFile option, process.env will be used.

In addition you can provide logger to the library to log validation errors via token CONFIG_LOGGER.

So as raw object via token RAW_CONFIG. You might need it in your tests:

const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
  imports: [AppModule],
    APP__HTTP_PORT: '3000',
    CAT__WEIGHT: '5',

Define configs in any module with:

ConfigModule.forFeature(configs: ClassType[])


Decorator Description
Common config decorators Import from @ukitgroup/nestjs-config
@Config(name: string) Add prefix to env variables
@UnscopedConfig() For config without prefix in env variables names
@Env(name: string) Extract env with name to this variable
Type decorators Import from @ukitgroup/nestjs-config/types
@String() String variable (@IsString)
@Number() Number variable (parseFloat + @IsNumber)
@Integer() Integer variable (parseInt + @IsInteger)
@Boolean() Boolean variable ('true', 'false' + @IsBool)
@Transform(transformFn: Function) Custom transformation. Import from @ukitgroup/nestjs-config/transformer
Validation decorators The same as class-validator. Import from @ukitgroup/nestjs-config/validator.



import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigModule } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config';
import { AppConfig } from './app.config';
import { CatModule } from './cat.module';

  imports: [
      fromFile: '.env',
      configs: [AppConfig],
export class AppModule {}

Create class that describes configuration for application


import { Config, Env } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config';
import { Integer } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config/types';

export class AppConfig {
  readonly httpPort: number = 3000;

Use AppConfig to configure application


import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
import { AppConfig } from './app.config';

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

  const config = app.get<AppConfig>(AppConfig);

  await app.listen(config.httpPort);

Create class that describes configuration for particular module CatsModule


import { Config, Env } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config';
import { Boolean, Number, String } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config/types';
import { Transform } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config/transformer';
import { IsDate, IsOptional } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config/validator';

export class CatConfig {
  readonly name: string;

  readonly weight: number;

  readonly knowsProgramming: boolean = true;

  @Transform((value) => new Date(value))
  readonly birthDate: Date;

Inject CatConfig for CatModule


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigModule } from '@ukitgroup/nestjs-config';
import { CatConfig } from './cat.config';
import { CatsService } from './cats.service';

  imports: [ConfigModule.forFeature([CatConfig])],
  providers: [CatsService],
export class CatModule {}

Get the cat config in a service


import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CatConfig } from './cat.config';

export class CatService {
  constructor(@Inject(CatConfig) private readonly config: CatConfig) {}

  meow(): string {
    return `${this.config.name} meows..`;

Override configuration for particular modules from environment



or on launch your application

APP__HTTP_PORT=3000 CAT__NAME=vasya CAT__WEIGHT=5 node dist/main.js

Also you can see the example on GitHub.

Unscoped configs

Okay, that's cool, but what if I need more flexibility in environment variables? For example, we migrate from legacy service, and we need to use old variables names (without module__ prefix).

I don't think this approach is quite right, try not to use it, but... we have @UnscopedConfig decorator instead of @Config for this case. But really, try to use @Config decorator first 🙂

For example, we have env key LEGACY_VARIABLE, then config will be similar to this:

export class LegacyConfig {
  readonly fieldOne: string;


You can either use our built-in types like Integer, Boolean, etc..
Or transform value with your own rule with Transform:

class CatConfig {
  @Transform(fn) // where fn is your transformation function
  myVariable: MyType;

We use our own version of class-transformer: @ukitgroup/class-transformer

If environment variable is empty or not provided, config will use default value.


class CatConfig {
  weight: number;

Library will throw an error on launch application: Cat.weight received 'not_a_number' errors: {"IsNumber": "Should be number"}


  1. @nestjs/common >=7.2.0
  2. @nestjs/core >=7.2.0


@ukitgroup/nestjs-config is MIT licensed.