
Port of https://github.com/graetzer/SGViewPager

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build status NuGet NuGet

Port of SGViewPager for Xamarin.iOS


Grab the latest version from NuGet

> PM Install-Package SGTabbedPager

or for MvvmCross

> PM Install-Package SGTabbedPagerMvx


Make your UIVievController inherit from SGTabbedPager or if you are using MvvmCross SGTabbedPager<TViewModel>. Implement the ISGTabbedPagerDatasource interface to provide pages to the pager.

Make sure you set the DataSource on your ViewControll to your ISGTabbedPagerDatasource implementation.

Use TabColor to set the color of the indicator on each tab item.

See the Sample for usage.


Listening to page changes

Use the event OnShowViewController to get the index of the selected UIViewController.

OnShowViewController += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Showing Page {e}");

Position tabbed pager bar on bottom

Use the ShowOnBottom proprety to show the tabbed pager bar on the bottom. This will adjust the Constraints to position it on the bottom of the page.


See the License file.