
Neo4j Object Graph Mapping (OGM) for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Neo4j Node OGM

Neo4j OGM for Node JS is designed to take care of the CRUD boilerplate involved with setting up a neo4j project with NodeJS. Just install, set up your models and go.

Neo4j support version: 4.X.X

Usage Instructions

By default the connection will be setted based in your env vars


And you can use advanced configurations


Cypher Builder

At first, you can only do raw cyphers

import { getConnection } from 'neo4j-node-ogm'

const database = getConnection()

try {
  const session = database.session()
  const result = await session.run('MATCH (users:Users {name : $nameParam}) RETURN users', {
    nameParam: 'Natam'
  result.records.forEach(record => {
} catch(e) {


import { Model, Field } from 'neo4j-node-ogm'

class Text extends Model {
  constructor (values) {
    const labels = ['Text']
    const attributes = {
      value: Field.String()
    super(values, labels, attributes)

class Role extends Model {
  constructor (values, state = { language: 'en_US' }) {
    const labels = ['Role']
    const attributes = {
      key: Field.String({
        required: true,
        set: (value) => {
          return value.toUpperCase()
        get: (value) => {
          return `key-${value}`
      name: Field.Relationship({
        with: true,
        labels: ['TRANSLATE'],
        target: Text,
        filter_relationship: {
          language: state.language
    super(values, labels, attributes)

class User extends Model {
  constructor (values) {
    const labels = ['User']
    const attributes = {
      name: Field.String(),
      language: Field.String({
        valid: ['pt_BR', 'en_US']
      email: Field.String({
        max_length: 255,
        required: true
      password: Field.Hash(),
      created_at: Field.DateTime({
        default: 'NOW'
      role: Field.Relationship({
        labels: ['HAS_ROLE'],
        target: Role
      friends: Field.Relationships({
        labels: ['FRIENDSHIP'],
        target: User,
        attributes: {
          intimacy: Field.String()
    super(values, labels, attributes)


// return Collection of Nodes by default relations are not populated
const users = await User.findAll() // the return is a Object

//feel free to iterable as Object
for (const user of users.toValues()) {
  await user.fetch(['!role__name']) // ! = force to have the relation

//or as Array (only data) -> users.toJSON()

findAll with relations

// return Collection of Nodes with your relations already filled
const users = await User.findAll({
 with_related: ['!role__name', 'friends'] // ! = force to have the relation
 state: { language: 'pt-BR'} // force the state inside all models


//return Collection of Nodes with your relations already filled
const users = User.findBy([
  { key: 'name', operator: 'STARTS WITH', value: 'Na', not: true}, //all users that name NOT starts with 'Na'
  { key: 'language', operator: 'IN', value: ['pt_BR', 'en_US']}
  { key: 'role.key', value: 'admin'}
], {
  with_related: ['role__name']


//returns the number of values or rows
const users = User.count({ count: 'name' })


const user = new User({
  email: 'natam.oliveira@ckl.io'
user.name = 'Natam Oliveira'
  // in user.errors will have the errors

await user.save()


const user = await User.findByID(100) //return Node
if(!user) return 'User not found'
user.name = 'Natam Oliveira 2'
await user.save()

Deleting Node

const user = await User.findByID(100) //return Node
  await user.delete()

Deleting Collection

const users = await User.findAll() //return Collection
await users.deleteAll()

Getting the Query as string

The model findAll, findBy, findById, save and delete methods are lazy and will only be executed if they are awaited. You can retrieve the query that will be generated in the string format using the toString method

console.log(User.findAll().toString()) // The database does not get hit. Logs: MATCH (user:User) RETURN  user {id:id(user), .name, .language, .email, .active, .password, .created_at }

Filtering using or and and expressions

You can use or and and expressions for filtering by nesting respectively $or and $and properties with the filters you'd want to add

  filter_attributes: [{
    $or: [
      { $and: [
        { key: 'active', value: true},
        { key: 'email', value: 'email@domain.com'},
      { key: 'id', value: -1},
// Return collection of User that match this expression: (active=true and email='email@domain.com') or (id = -1)


Collection functions:

  • toValues() - return a Node's Collection as Array
  • toJSON() - return a Node's Collection as JSON
  • first() - return the first Node or undefined
  • length() - return a Integer with the size of Collection
  • map(function)
  • some(function)

Collection async functions:

  • deleteAll() - return an Array of true/false

Model static async functions:

  • findAll({ with_related, filter_attributes, order_by, skip, limit }) - return a Node's Collection
  • findBy(filter_attributes, { with_related, order_by, skip, limit }) - return a Node's Collection
  • findByID(Integer id, { with_related, order_by }) - return a Node
  • count({ with_related, filter_attributes, count? }) - return a Node with a count value

Model async functions:

  • save() - return Integer ID/false
  • delete(Bool detach) - return true/false
  • createRelationship(String attribute, Node to, Object properties)
  • updateRelationship(String attribute, Node specificRelatedNode, Object properties) - used to changes relationships attributes
  • recreateRelationship(String attribute, Node to, Object properties) - remove old relationships of that attribute
  • removeRelationship(String attribute, Node specificRelatedNode)
  • removeAllRelationships(String attribute)
  • fetch(Array attributes)
  • isValid() - return true/false if the field criteria match

Fields type:

  • .String(Object args)
    • min_length
    • max_length
    • required
    • valid
    • default
    • get
    • set
  • .Integer(Object args) - Since Integers can be larger than can be represented as JavaScript numbers, it is only safe to convert to JavaScript numbers if you know that they will not exceed (2^53) in size.
    • required
    • default
    • get
    • set
  • .Float(Object args)
    • required
    • default
    • get
    • set
  • .Hash(Object args)
    • required In this type of Field const t = obj.attr will always return a object with the method checkHash(value) for you check your string if is the same as saved but you still can set a new value normally obj.attr = 123
  • .JSON(Object args)
    • required
    • default
  • .Boolean(Object args)
    • default
  • .DateTime(Object args)
    • required
    • default
  • .Date(Object args)
    • required
    • default
  • .Time(Object args)
    • required
    • default
  • .Relationship(Object args)
    • target
    • labels
    • attributes
    • filter_relationship
    • filter_node
  • .Relationships(Object args)
    • target
    • labels
    • attributes
    • filter_relationship
    • filter_node

Options description

option type description example
attributes Object Can be at Model (starts with _ ex: _attributes) or Field Relationship. Each item of the Array should be a name of one field in String format _attributes = { name: Field.String() }
default Function/String/Integer Default value for the attribute default: 10
order_by Array of Objects Ordenation of the results , direction default is ASC order_by: [{ key: 'email', direction: 'DESC' }, { key: 'role.name' }]
filter_node Object This object is used to filter(where) at relations and will be applied at node filter_node: { name: 'Natam' }
filter_relationship Object This object is used to filter(where) at relations and will be applied at relationship filter_relationship: { language: 'en_US' }
filter_attributes Array This array of object is used to filter(where) one collection on FindBy/FindAll/... default operator is = and the key can be one relationship (model1Attribute_model2 is the auto generated name for a relationship) [{ key: 'model.attr', operator: 'STARTS WITH', value: 'Na', not: true }]
get Function A function to override the get attribute of the Model get: (value) => { return `key-${value}` }
labels Array This array can be at Model (starts with _ ex: _labels) or a Field Relationship to define the :LABELS at neo4j labels = ['Role']
min_length Integer Define the min length of caracteres of the field min_length: 3
max_length Integer Define the max length of caracteres of the field max_length: 255
required Boolean Validation to force a attribute to be required ( != undefined/null/'' ) required: true
set Function A function to override the set attribute of the Model set: (value) => { return value.toUpperCase() }
target Class A reference of Model to relate Models, this is not accepted to refer to self Class target: Text
valid Array A strict whitelist of valid options. All others will be rejected. valid: ['A', 'B', 'C']