
Eventbrite Chrome Extension

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Stay up to date with exciting events around you!

This Chrome extension uses Eventbrite's public API to get and display nearby popular events.


  • Access browser current location and search for events on Eventbrites
  • Display events: names & time & categories...
  • Sort by date
  • Option page:
    • View upcomming events or next weekend events
    • Change ticket type: free, paid...
    • Adjust searching distance





The API token has been excluded from this repo, you need to add your own API key in order for the extension to work

  1. Register a new app to get Eventbrite's API key

  2. Create a new JavaScript file named token.js in the script directory:

    // Super secret API token:
    var TOKEN = "123456789";
  3. Go to chrome://extensions/ check "Developer mode" and "Load unpacked extension..."