Tired of repetitive tasks? Want to work on interesting problems?
Try your hand at this algorithmic challenge from Chemaxon!
This is an algorithmic challenge for developers with a theme inspired by the iconic game Pac-Man. Your goal is to find a route throughout a maze to collect coins with as few steps as possible. This challenge is open to everyone with the aim of having fun while solving a complex optimization problem. You can also compete with others, either on the global toplist or with your friends or co-workers.
If you would like to share your solutions, you can send them to us, especially if you made your way to the toplist. And as you may guess, we are hiring. ;)
The theme of this challenge recalls retro computer games, especially Pac-Man, so let's call our character the Chem-Man. Your task is to navigate the Chem-Man in a maze in order to collect all coins with the minimum number of steps. Moreover, to make the game more interesting, the Chem-Man can also climb the walls!
The input of the task is a maze described in a text file in the following format.
The first line contains two positive integers: W
and H
, separated by space.
The maze itself is described by the next H
lines, each of which contains W
These characters specify the individual tiles of the maze as follows.
: an empty tile#
: a wall sectionc
: a coin to be collecteds
: the starting position of the Chem-Man
All input files are valid, you don't need to validate them.
At the beginning, the Chem-Man is at a given location of the maze, heading North. A solution (route) is described by a string consisting of the following characters.
: turn to North, East, South, West (respectively)F
: step forward (to the current direction)U
: climb up the wall in front of the Chem-Man, starting from a non-wall tileD
: climb down from a wall into a non-wall tile in front of the Chem-Man
Forward steps are valid if and only if both the start tile and the destination tile are not walls or both are walls. That is, the Chem-Man can also walk on the top of walls.
Climbing up or down to/from walls takes 8 times as much time as a simple step (a forward step or a turn move). So the total score of a solution string is the number of simple steps plus 8 times the number of climbing steps, and your goal is to minimize this score.
Unnecessary turn steps may also occur in a solution string, but you should try to avoid them
to decrease the total score. For example, EFNWFNFNFNF
is equivalent to EFWFNFFF
8 4
Two possible solution strings:
with score21
with score26
10 6
Two possible solution strings:
with score28
with score25
So it is worth to climb through the wall in the second example, while it is better to bypass it in the first example.
The mazes folder contains the input files. simple.in describes a small maze for development and testing. level1.in, level2.in, and level3.in define the three levels of the challenge with increasing maze size and complexity.
For the simple.in input, a solution with a score of at most 100 is nice. The best score is 88, which can be achieved in multiple ways, for example, by this solution string.
To make this challenge more fun, a simple application is provided to visualize the mazes and your solution strings. It also validates your solutions and calculates the scores. In accordance with the retro theme, this is not an online service, but a desktop application, written in Java. It can be found in the viewer folder, and can be executed like this (using Java 11 or newer version).
java -jar viewer/chem-man.jar
An input file and (optionally) an output file can also be passed as command line arguments.
java -jar viewer/chem-man.jar mazes/level1.in
java -jar viewer/chem-man.jar mazes/level1.in mysolution.out
The current toplist can be found in toplist.md. The results are ranked based on the total score for the three levels, which is to be minimized.
If you would like to share your results with us and participate in the competition, send your solution strings for the three levels via email to pkovacs84@chemaxon.com. And let us know if you would like us to add your results to the toplist with your name, an account ID, or even anonymously. However, please do not share solution strings on any public forum except for the scores you achieved.
Chemaxon is a leading software company developing applications and services for chemistry and biology. Our clients involve the largest pharmaceutical companies all over the world. And we are continuously hiring talented developers, mainly to our head office in Budapest, Hungary.
Our teams deal with complex challenges on a daily basis, and we have open positions for a variety of skill sets. So if you like this challenge, or we've piqued your interest, your application is welcome. Especially if you achieved a good result, as it can be an awesome boost for a hiring interview, but of course, it's not a requirement. For more information, see https://chemaxon.com/jobs/.