
Overview Pack for EVE Online

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Kafferton Overview: A Fork Of Zirio-Syundai

Overview Pack for EVE Online

Based on Zirio-Syundai, and thus in turn SaraShawa, The Kafferton Overview aims to be a single, ready-to-use overview pack following established best-practices, and roughly applicable to most-if-not-all playstyles.

Current Version: v5.3.5

  • For Release: Version 19.05
  • Updated: 2021.06.09

Credits and Feedback

The Kafferton Overview is maintained by:

  • Sally Kafferton

Based on a fork of Zirio-Syundai 5.2.0:

  • Zirio - YAML Coding & Pack Maintenence
  • Deuce Syundai - Design & Text Formatting
  • Glance at their GitHub repository

If you've an issue with the pack... Well, kick it into the repo bugtracker.


At the times of forking, Z-S was licensed under the GNU GPLv3. The Kafferton Overview is licensed similarly as a result. Further information can be found in the LICENSE file of the repository.

How to install

  1. Click the green "Clone or download" button located at the top right of the above file list, then click "Download ZIP".
  2. Once downloaded in the folder of your preference, extract the .zip file contents in a folder of your preference.
  3. Copy the "Kafferton.yaml" file to "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\EVE\Overview".
  4. Start the game and open up your Overview Settings ( ≡ button at top left of the Overview window).
  5. Go to the "Misc" tab and click "Reset All Overview Settings".
    • Note, this will nuke all your current overview customizations all the way back to CCP's defaults. Maybe export your overview first, as a backup, if you've made ~~important customizations~~.
  6. Go to the "Misc" tab and click "Import Overview Settings".
  7. Select "Kafferton" on the left list and click "Check All" on the top middle, then click "Import".
    • Optionally, you can be clever and not import all of the presets, for whatever reason you choose! Make choices! Do things! Live life to the full!

Recent Changes:

Version v5.3.5
  1. Add the second, non-beacon ESS group ID (ergo, the actual ESS itself) in overviews that had the beacon present.


SaraShawa Overview Pack did not have a GitHub repository nor it was under any License at the moment of the manual fork and at the moment of creation of Z-S' fork.