Repository for the results presented in "Considering Control Flow Constructs for Predicting Business Process Outcomes with Deep Learning"


The repo contains three folders:

  • code: contains the python machine learning code to train and evaluate the models
  • data: contains both raw and transformed data of the used dataset
  • transform: little .NET 4.5 application that was used to transform the data in the ./data/ folder


To run the python code you need the following:

  • Python 2
  • Keras
  • Backend of your choice (we used CNTK)
  • GPU: cuda installation and cuda compatible backend

and the following python packages:

  • unicodecsv
  • distance
  • jellyfish

If you want to use docker, there are ready-to-use images in chemsorly/keras-cntk


  • Clone repository
  • Navigate to ./code/
  • run "python 1 100 0.1 20 1"

Parameters are as follows:

  • Running number (unused int)
  • Neurons per layer (int)
  • Dropout (double 0-1)
  • Patience (int)
  • Optimization algorithm (int 1-7)


The Cargo 2000 Freight Tracking and Tracing Data Set is available at UCL (Citation)
Credits go to verenich whose work was used as base for this project.

